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" - he only has ten days left till they - "

" - fucking know that already! I'm trying my - "

" - we just need a better plan to try to - "


Someone is talking.

No, arguing.

There is someone arguing really loud near him. But where is he though? What time is it? Grayson is so exhausted it feels like it's four in the morning right now. And whoever is having a yelling match in his room can kindly take their annoying asses out thank you very much.

" - horrible plan! It will never work not with how high the security is at the prison - "

" - better than any plan you've come up with so - "

The more Grayson focuses on the angry voices, the more he wonders why he cannot fully understand the whole conversation. It's like he only can comprehend little sections of each sentence they are saying. He really, really wants to open his eyes and tell them to fuck off, because it feels like he hasn't slept in a hot minute. But it's like his eyes are refusing to open, like he doesn't have control of them.

" - you know i'm just trying to help you out here, this is stressful and -"

" - that's where the issue is then. I don't need any fucking help, my brother does and this - "

That voice. That is Cameron speaking. The cloud fogging his brain is slowly starting to fade as the argument Ethan's sister is having gets louder and louder.

"You know how much Ethan means to me. He is my bestfriend and I'm not abandoning him. I'm worried about him, but I'm also worried about you, baby." The guys voice is soft, it's as if he is afraid to scare Cam off. That's when Grayson realizes it's Cameron Dallas talking.

So they are dating, hmm, interesting. Grayson doesn't think he'd be able to date someone with the exact same name as his, but then again he dated Ethan who looks exactly like him. The thought of Ethan makes Grayson's finger twitch, there is a slight beeping noise in the background and the pace of it quickens.

Grayson wants to clench his teeth, he feels like screaming knowing his body is refusing to move. It's kind of like a dream, or an outer body experience except one you cannot see. He can hear everything around him, and smell the faint breeze of clean laundry, but all his other senses are out the window.

Maybe that's a good thing because right now, the argument between the couple in the room is only getting worse. Grayson kind of feels bad for eavesdropping, but at the same time he really could care less. He just wants them to shut the fuck up because his head is throbbing in his skull with every word that escapes their mouths.

"Just go talk to the guys then! Tell them your stupid 'plan' and see what they have to say about it since you won't believe me that it is a horrible idea!" Grayson can tell by the angered tone in Cam's voice that she is close to losing it. He has never heard her speak like this before. If he could move his body right now, he would be out the door in an instant unlike Cameron who is still in the room.

"Don't you want to come with me? So you can put your input into things?" Cameron asks, his voice is still somehow calm even with his girlfriend screaming down his throat.

"No." Her reply is dark, leaving no room for questions.

Grayson then hears padded footsteps getting further and further away, then he hears the door click closed and Cam sighing. She sounds closer to Grayson than she had been before. She sounds stressed. Grayson wishes he could open his fucking eyes to see her. Or his mouth, so he can ask her what the hell is happening!

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