Sleep Deprived

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Cameron ended up not making it through the night and had passed before everyone had woke up.

His funeral was three days later.

Grayson has always had a difficult time reading Ethan, but on the day of Cameron's funeral he had never been more confused. He didn't expect him to cry, but him and Cameron grew up together, they were best friends. Ethan just stood there with a blank expression next to his casket in his black suit and tie.

Cam didn't even show up to the funeral. She was to heart broken. Her and Cameron had just started their relationship and Grayson cannot even imagine what she must be feeling.

One week has gone by since Cameron's funeral and Ethan had turned back into his old ways, working 24/7 and putting all his energy into the gang. Him and Grayson are on a break right now in their relationship, it was all Grayson's doing. He is so happy to know Ethan loves him, but he is scared. The only logical thing to do in his brain is to take a break from Ethan and maybe that will teach him not to cheat again. Grayson wouldn't be able to handle it if Ethan slips up like that. He was so close to pulling the trigger that night.

He knows it isn't healthy to be like this. He shouldn't want to shoot someone for cheating, because let's be honest that's a little much. But after Jack, after he had sent a bullet right through his brain, it scares Grayson how much better he felt after that.

Being in this gang has only made things worse. He will kill people without hesitation now. That doesn't mean he doesn't have nightmares about that at night though. Every single person he has killed always comes back to haunt him at night. It's only gotten worse since he stopped sleeping in Ethan's room.

The good news is after the shitshow Grayson went through, Ethan had decided Grayson can go with them on trips now, but he had given Grayson the choice to. Of course Grayson had accepted. He felt like he was losing his mind being cooped up in the house all day.

"In this past week we have taken out half of Logan's gang, but we still aren't finished yet." Ethan's voice is deep and scratchy, and by looking at the bags under his eyes he clearly hasn't been sleeping. "They have moved to the south side of the city and I have a group scouting out potential areas of where their new house is right now."

The gang is placed all around a big table. Grayson is sitting in between Ethan and Nash. His gaze moves over to the rest of the gang and they all look exhausted as well. It's no secret Ethan's been pushing everybody like a mad man, going after what's left of Jack's gang at an unhealthy pace. It's clear Ethan is out for revenge, just like everyone else is in this room. But Ethan wants it more than anyone else, even more than Grayson.

It's like the guilt has been eating Ethan alive from the inside. He feels like shit knowing he's the reason for Cameron's death, he's the reason Grayson got taken and raped. Normally he wouldn't have a care in the world about this type of stuff, but when it comes to Cameron and Grayson, Ethan would do anything for them.

"E." Grayson's looking at Ethan with pleading eyes. "I think everyone needs a night off, don't you think?" When Ethan's eyes meet Grayson's, they are cold.

"A night off? Are you fucking with me? If we take a night off then that gives Logan the chance to get more gang members!" Ethan's brows are pinched together as he raises his voice. Grayson doesn't back down though. He's worn out and sleep deprived, his body still hurts from their mission last night when one of Logan's boys dislocated his shoulder.

"We will stop him just not tonight." Grayson says sternly, eyes never faltering from Ethan's angry face. "Look at the guys! Look at me! Hell, look in the mirror at yourself E! We cannot continue fighting in this state. One night to rest won't do anything!" He gestures with his arms as his own voice rises.

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