Big Sister

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Grayson has been in this gang for a whole week now. And he is still fucking sick of it. Luckily he hasn't had to kill anyone since his initiation and for that he is thankful. If anything he just doesn't want to become a cold blooded killer, or a rapist, or just a sick fuck in general like he knows most of the people in this gang are.

Cameron, Ethan's sister is the most sane person in this mansion and that says a lot. She hasn't really explained what all she has done, but out of everyone Grayson just feels comfortable around her. She has this protective big sister aurora that Grayson is attracted to. He's never had any siblings before, but if he did he'd always pictured them to be someone a little like Cameron.

"You hold it from the edge like this," Cameron explains, holding the sharp object from the tip in one hand, her other hand stretched out wide to use helping her aim. "Then draw your hand back and - " She throws the knife in one swift movement as it glides through the air spinning just right till it lands almost spot on the target with a thud. She gives Grayson a small smile, turning around to hand him a knife from her pocket. "Try it out."

They are in one of the open rooms in the basement. This room is completely filled with all types of weapons, guns stacked on the walls and piled around the room. Knives hung up on shelves, and targets scattered all around the back wall. This is the practice room. On the other side there is matts on the ground, to practise fighting or some shit. But even though it's meant for just practising it is still fancy as fuck. The floor is so shiny Grayson can see his own reflection in them.

Taking the knife, Grayson mimics Cameron's stance she had shown him. Holding the sharp object in one hand and aiming with the other. He takes a deep breath in, eyeing the target he is aiming for and throws it hard. It flips flying across the room at a fast pace till it hits the target. To his surprise, it hits the bullseye dead in the center.

"Well damn Gray!" Cameron laughs, shoving his shoulder playfully. "You said you've never done this before you fucking liar!"

"I haven't! This is seriously my first time!" Grayson chuckles back, another knife in hand ready to throw it. And when he does it lands directly next to the other one in perfect clean shot. Apparently he is good with with guns and knives, huh, who knew?

But it wasn't just the knife throwing that Grayson enjoyed doing with Cameron, he found himself in her room almost every night before bed so they could do facemasks together. She brings him a good amount of sanity that Grayson feels like he has lost. He feels like himself again when he talks to her. He doesn't feel like a murderer when he's around Cameron.

So after the knife throwing the two made their way up stairs to her room.

"Jake joined the gang two years ago, he is a fucking asshole though." She gossips, rubbing the exfoliating purple face mask on her skin as she stares at her reflection in the mirror. "But I think he is that way because his twin brother is the reason he joined the gang, he couldn't save him. Seeing him die in front of him changed him." She explains with no emotion, she clearly doesn't give two shits about the blonde boy.

Or death.

But that's one thing Grayson has noticed, not just about Cameron, but about everyone in this group. They are all around death so much, and the cause of it to much for it to faze them anymore. Grayson hopes he will never be like that. He won't let himself be no matter how many people he kills for this gang.

"Yeah still doesn't give him an excuse to treat everyone like shit though." Grayson mumbles rubbing the same purple face mask on his face that Cameron is using. They are both sitting cross legged on her bathroom counter, considering the fact that it's huge and there is plenty of space for the both of them up there.

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