He doesnt like you pt.1 (Grayson)

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Smiling at yourself in the mirror as you twist and turned to show off your outfit.

You had a baby blue dress with a thin gold belt wrapped around your waist. Then you took a lot of time to do your hair and apply a natural makeup look.

Why getting all pretty and ready you may ask?

Well today you and Grayson were going to have some dinner together.

You considered it a date but Grayson just considered it as a friendly hangout.

Today you had the confidence to tell Grayson your true feelings.

You've known Grayson and Ethan for many years now. They meant so much to you since they're like your best friends. But Grayson seem to make you really happy and make your heart race each time you saw him.

All you hoped was that today went well.

After the dinner (sorry for speeding this part up)

You and Grayson had finished eating at the restaurant and decided to walk around the place.

"Aww the place is so beautiful, especially at night time." Grayson awed at the scene around him

You smiled at how stunned he is about the place, "Yeah it's really pretty."

After that comment you started to plan the whole thing in your head. You knew that any second had to be the moment you had to tell him.

And that's what you did.

"Grayson." You stopped walking leading him to stop as well.

He turned around to look at you with concerned eyes. "Hmm"

Your confidence was going through a rollercoaster. You had it then you didn't.

"I have to tell you something." You look down and fidgeted with your fingers from the nerves.

"Yeah, go ahead. Tell me."

Here goes nothing.

"Well since we've known each other for so long, we built a great friendship together, which I hold dear to my heart. But I also have built something else for you. It's hard for me to hide it and I just want to let it all out now. What I'm basically saying is that.... I like you."

You looked up in hopes to see some sort of smile or a positive look but instead he looked awkward.

"Um (Y/n).... look, thank you for your flattering words but I'm sorry." You knew where this was going. "You're really pretty and smart but I don't have those same feelings for you."

You wanted to say "Its okay Grayson, I understand." But deep down you felt like you wanted to burst out crying.

"(Y/n) I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship. I don't wanna lose you."

"Grayson I need to head home now." Your voice went low

"Oh, um, yeah. Let me walk you home, it's pretty late."

Feeling lost and hurt you didn't want Grayson to walk with you, "No Grayson."


"I SAID NO GRAYSON! I can walk on my own." You raised your voice which had startled him. "I'm sorry Grayson. I'll see you later." You said turning around the opposite direction.

"(Y/n)." He murmured

You didn't care to look back. You just wanted to be alone to process the whole scenario.

(A/n: this is so short. I'll try making part 2 longer. Anyways hellos <3)

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