His Tic Tok Girlfriend pt.1 (Grayson)

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Grayson was lying on his bed, bored out of his mind and had nothing much to do. He didn't want to check twitter or instagram because there wasn't much to check on them either.

His only option was to watch Youtube videos.

He clicked on the Youtube app, scrolling through his recommendation feed, hoping to find something interesting. So far he hadn't found anything that caught his attention.

It wasn't until he saw a recommended video with a thumbnail of girl that had seem very attractive to Grayson. He checked the title of the video, which had said, "TikTok Compilation: Soft.Babe02". 

Grayson seemed very curious since he never used TikTok before and rarely watched any compilations, especially with a pretty girl.

"Let's see what's this about." Grayson clicked the 15 minute video, not knowing what to expect to see.

You (Soft.Babe02) posted those funny relatable voiceover TikToks, and sometimes posted trendy Tik Toks that many famous Tiktokers would also do. But mostly, you chose to do funny Tik Toks because you're into comedy.

The Youtube video had ended which Grayson was not happy about that. He wanted more videos of you. He actually enjoyed your TikTok videos which is not usual of him.

Your TikToks reminded Grayson of him and Ethan when they posted their short videos on Vine. 

Grayson wanted to watch more of your videos, so he decided to download the TikTok app. He didn't know how the app worked but he was willing to check it out just to search you up.

When the video had finally finished downloading, Grayson created a secret account so he could watch your videos. After he was done creating his account he went to the search bar and typed your Tik Tok user name. Your profile had popped on the screen and Grayson clicked on it.

Grayson saw that you had a lot of followers and likes. Not only that but he had noticed that your videos got many views as well. 

You weren't the most famous TikToker but you were one of them, and you were very well known in the TikTok community.  You posted daily TikTok videos because it was something you enjoyed and it made you happy many people enjoyed your videos. 

Without hesitation Grayson binged watched your TikToc videos. Some of them he had seen on the youtube video but he didn't care because he enjoyed them and could rewatch many times.

As he was watching your videos he had slowly, but surely, started to fall in love with you. You had a very cute innocent look that had attracted Grayson a lot. Also he could tell that you had a sense of humor and had a very charismatic personality. 

Grayson wanted to get to know you. He didn't know how he was going to do it but he wanted to do it in a way that wouldn't cause drama or embarrass himself. 

{A/n: Hi y'all, hope you enjoyed this short beginning to a mini series I wanted to write on this imagine book. I don't know how long I'm going to make it but I kinda just wanna see how it goes. I will not be writing this same storyline for Ethan rather I'm going to write a different one or just write a normal imagine for him. Anyways thank you for the support! Finally reached 17K reads! That's awesome! Also if you have suggestions please let me know because I have a hard time creating imagines. Have a good day loves!"

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