Chapter 15

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Tyler kept hitting me even though blood was all over. His men were just on the side. They weren't helping me. We had a strong friendship but they just have to follow their boss. Oscar was with them. His eyes were teary but he kept holding his tears.

"YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW TO FOLLOW." Tyler said as he held my cheeks and squeezed them. My head was down low. He squeezedy cheeks while looking at me with a very mad face. His eyes were dark, they were full of anger. He let go of my face. My head was down low. He left the room together with his men excluding Oscar.

I looked up to Oscar and his tears fell. He wipped them quickly and he left. I kept my head low as I tried to cry quietly. My tears were falling uncontrollably.


My hands were still tied up. They tied my hands through the ceiling. My legs were weak but the metal rope pulled me up.

Suddenly, the cell door opened. I looked up and saw Taeyang on Taehyung's arms. They walked closer to me. Their eyes were teary while their faces were wet because of their tears. They came and hugged me. I couldn't hug back because my hands were tied up.

'E-EOMMA YOUR B-BLEEDING SO MUCH" Taeyang said while stuttering.

"I-I TOLD Y-YOU TO STAY I-IN YOUR ROOM. Y-YOUR DAD M-MIGHT SEE YOU." I said while stuttering and groaning in pain.

"APPA IS NOT HOME EOMMA" Taehyung said.


"YES EOMMA" He replied while nodding.

"YOU HAVE GRANPA'S NUMBER, RIGHT?" I asked him as he nods.

"I NEED YOU TO CALL HIM AND TELL HIM TO COME OVER. DON'T TELL HIM THAT I'M BEING PUNISHED BY APPA BUT WHEN HE COMES HERE, LEAD HIM HERE." I commanded. Taehyung nodded as he helped Taeyang go. They went to their room and they did what they were told.


I dialed Grandpa's number and called him.

Grandpa: Hello?
Taehyung: Grandpa is that you?
Grandpa: Yes Taeyhung. What do you need?
Taehyung: Grandpa, can you come over?
Grandpa: Okay. I'll be there within 10 minnutes.
Taehyung: Grandpa. Hurry up.
Grandpa: Okay. See you.
Taehyung: See you.
*Hung up*

After calling Grandpa, we went to the living room and we watched T.V. After some minutes, we heard our doorbell rang.

"I'LL OPEN IT" Odeth said. I stood up and walked towards her.

"I'LL OPEN IT. JUST MAKE TAEYANG SOME FOOD, PLEASE." I said as she nodded and she went to the kitchen. I went to the door and opened the door. As I opened it, Grandpa was standing there with a smile.

"HI TAEHYUNG." Grandpa greeted me with a smile. I stayed quiet and I pulled him towards thw cell.

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