Chapter I - Why me?

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'Heavy. So freaking heavy' was all I could think about right now. Sure, I should pay attention to lecture, but math is so boring. The only reason I am not sleeping right now is that our match teacher, Mr. Biersack, is actually a babe. More like a daddy. But my head still feels so heavy, it's unbearable. I let my dark long hair fall into my face to cover my hazelnut eyes and small nose so only my thin rose red lips on my pale skin can be seen.

There is something calming me down in Mr. Biersacks voice. His deep rough voice. His words don't make any sense to me, but that's fine as long as he keeps talking in that hot tone. I guess we are supposed to learn something about circles or anything. Whatever, I wouldn't catch up anyways and I am sitting in the corner of the room, so a short nap wouldn't hurt anyone I guess.

I lay my hands in my fingerless gloves on my desk and I let my heavy head rest on them, closing my eyes. Finally. Being awake till 4AM playing video games wasn't the best idea, I admire that fact now. What? Don't judge me, okay? Mr. Biersacks voice started to blurry, but that doesn't matter since I couldn't understand him anyways.

Two boys infront of me decided to talk about some oh-so-important things right now so I couldn't hear my hot math teacher nor could I sleep. Great. God how I hated those people. Don't get me wrong here. I hate most of the people, but people in my class? Jesus they are getting on my nerves everytime. I could feel my feet tapping quietly, but nervously. It happens sometimes that my body is doing things on it's own. That's the reason I am wearing my gloves all the time, they are hiding my scars I am ashamed of.

The bell, finally. It's annoying sound and it hurts in my ears, but it means that I can go to have a lunch and then go home. I open my eyes and the sudden light blinds me a little. I don't care, I just pack my things and rush from the class. Only seconds separate me from the door when I hear that deep familiar voice behind me. "Ms. Smith would you mind talking to me for a while?" 'Fuck' I think to myself, "Sure" I say instead. Under normal circumstances I would be happy for spending time with such a hottie, but he's my math teacher and I am probably screwed. He sits down on his chair and I am thankful for that, because in my 17years I am only 5"2' and he is surely above 6"3'. He sighs and his crystal clear blue eyes bury into my soul. I can't do anything but stare at his perfectly symetrical face features. His short cut black hair, cheekbones and that jawline of his.

"You don't have to be so scared" he smiles. He is handsome and sweet at the same time. 'Sure, scared... Not amazed or anything' I think to myself while blushing and awkwardly looking down at my feet. "Am I in trouble Mr. Biersack?" I say quietly and maybe a little worriedly too. My voice was shaking any my heart was racing. I could feel the cold sweat going down my back. He smiled at me again and I internally melted. "I was just thinking," he said as he started to write something down on a piece of paper, "your grades have dropped recently and you might aswell fail this class if you don't start taking it seriously." he said in parental tone.

"Yeah, tell me something new, would you?" I rolled my eyes as I accidentally asked that sarcastic question. I've suddenly realized what I've just done and I felt warmth going up my cheeks. "I am so sorry Mr. Biersack, I didn't mean to-" I was cut off by his laughter. What the hell? He seems like the coolest guy ever. And his smile? Oh God, hold me before I melt completely. "Trying to cover problems with humour, aren't you?" he asked me, but I could tell that he already knows the answer. "I know that you are a smart girl Lucy" he said, but I laughed at the word 'smart' because, seriously? "I've seen your grades in other subjects and it looks like you are above avarage in English and History, I would even say that you excel at it." he continues as he's passing me that note he was writting: "You were great in maths when you were younger. It seems you just need a little help. I can offer you that, but you'll have to work hard. You can call me or write me and email. That's all, you are free to go."

He makes that statement and waits for my reaction watching my hands grabbing that note and then my face smiling on him and thanking him. I make my way to the door and before I turn the knob I hesitantly ask: "Mr. Biersack, why would you help me not failing?" I turned on him and I can see amused smile on his face. "Because I see in your eyes that you gave up upon yourself."

Hi guys, the new fic is here! ^^

This is going to be shorter, but I hope I will be updating this one more often.

Also, it's 5AM, I hate insomnia :)) I got inspired for some weird reason, so I've decided to try and post this.
I hope you will like it ^^

Show me some support, I love ya'll <3
-Katie out

Irredeemable (TeacherxStudent) Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now