Chapter Thirty-Six

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We walk down a long, dark tunnel, following Neville as it turns and travels through the earth. Neville seems older, tougher, his face is battered and bruised, and in the glimpse I got of his hands I saw that they were the same.

"I never saw this on the marauder's map," Ron comments, I glance back at Hermione, who walks behind me, and she nods, 

"That's because it never existed until now," He lowers his wand slightly, "The seven secret passages were sealed off at the beginning of this year, this is the only way in or out now. The grounds are crawling with Death Eaters and Dementors,"

I push forward, passed Ron so I'm sure Neville will hear me, "How is it with Snape as headmaster? I've heard-"

"We barely see him," Neville answers, "It's the Carrows you need to watch out for," 

"The Carrows?"

Neville glances at me, "Brother and sister, in charge of discipline. They like punishment, the Carrows,"

I wince as Neville motions to the black bruise that covers his eye and some of his left cheek, "They did that to you? Why?"

"Todays Dark Arts lesson had us practising the Cruciartus curse, on first years," as he speaks, my stomach turns, that's disgusting, "I refused. Hogwarts has changed." 

Our conversation dies down as we near the end of the tunnel, and Neville grins as we come face to face with the back of a large picture frame. 

"Let's have a bit of fun, shall we?"

He pushes the frame open to reveal the room of requirement. Instead of mountains of lost things or mirrors and defensive magic dummies, we see hammocks. From where I stand, hidden behind both Harry and Neville, I see hammocks strung up between stone pillars and hear the dull murmur of conversation. 

"Listen up you lot, brought you a surprise," 

The conversation stops, "No more of Aberforth's cooking I hope, I don't think we could stomach it," Seamus's voice calls from below, and Neville chuckles, stepping out of the way to reveal Harry.

The small crowd erupts with applause, grinning and standing, and I smile slightly. I know a few years ago I would have been jealous, but I don't feel that anymore, I understand. He's Harry Potter. He's their friend. 

Following Harry, we descend down a ladder to the stone floor. I see now that beds are spread out everywhere and people have their school trunks here too. They must be hiding out. Harry is greeted with hugs and wide smiles, but as I scan the crowd, I see no Slytherin faces. I'm not particularly surprised, we don't like getting help from people outside our group, but I feel disappointment sink into my stomach. 

Neville says something to a small boy with blonde hair, who then goes hurtling out of the room. I glance at Neville, who smiles at me. It's vaguely comforting. He seems to understand that these people here aren't my people.

"So what's the plan, Harry?" Neville asks my brother, but instead of answering, as the crowd falls silent, Harry nods at me. I step forward awkwardly, 

"Er, okay- There's something we need to find, something hidden here in the castle that may be able to help us defeat You Know Who," I say, glancing at Harry for reassurance, 

Neville nods, "Right, what is it?"

I pause, "We don't know." 

"Where is it?"

"We don't know that either," I look down at my feet,

Harry steps forward, "We realise that's not much to go on,"

"That's nothing to go on," Seamus buts in, 

I take a breath, looking up, "I think it has something to do with Ravenclaw, er, it would be small, easily concealed..."

"Any ideas?" Harry asks, eyeing the crowd,

Luna shuffles slightly, "Well, there's Rowena Ravenclaws lost diadem,"

My eyes widen, that's possible.

"Oh, bloody hell here we go..." Ron mutters. I jab him with my elbow,

"The lost diadem of Ravenclaw? Hasn't anyone heard of it?"

Yes, small, hidden, it makes sense,

"No, Luna that makes sense," I say slowly, looking up, "Thank you."

She smiles sweetly, and I wince at the dark bruise that scars the side of her face.

We hear a loud rumbling from across the room and turn as someone runs towards us. Ginny skids into view as the crowd parts and she stops, almost tripping over herself. When her eyes land on Harrys, she tries to hide her grin.


"Hi there," Harry murmurs. Hermione and I glance at each other.

Ginny crosses her arms, "Snape knows, he knows they were spotted in Hogsmeade,"


Harry and I don other people's spare robes, and follow them out, heads down, into a dark, grey corridor. Almost all the paintings are gone, the walls are blank and dreary, empty. The Gryffindor students form four lines, Harry and I are pushed, hidden, in the middle, and walk in stride through the castle. I dare not look up from my muddied boots. I hear the familiar sound of the Great Hall doors opening and steal a glimpse of the room, no longer bright and hopeful like I remember it. There are no tables or benches, no food or candles, barely any light source at all. I feel as though I should cry for it.

We come to a stop. From where I stand I see very little of the hall. I glance at Harry, and he takes my hand, squeezing it.

Snape walks past, his black robes sweeping the floor behind him, and upon reaching the front of the room, he turns, nodding at a man I don't recognise. Anger stings in the pit of my stomach. Traitor. How dare he. Perhaps he is one of the Carrows.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you here at this hour," He pauses, eyeing the silent crowd of students, "It's come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was spotted in Hogsmeade,"

A ripple of whispers crosses the room.

"Now, should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid the Potters, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their actions furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events, will be treated as equally guilty." 

Snape walks down towards the students, watching them,

"Now, if anyone here, has any knowledge of the whereabouts of either of the Potters, step forward, now."

Harry and I glance at each other. I nod at him. 

Harry and I step out from where we were hiding, and the students all turn, gasping and muttering amongst themselves. I make eye contact with Snape, crossing my arms. Seething. 


Sorry it's a lil bit late I had work all day yesterday

Is there anything you'd like to see happen? I make no promises, I'm just curious

What do you think is going to happen?

Lots of love,

Taylor xx

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