Chapter 7 The Fight

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Time skip 1 year

Keith's P.O.V
It's been about 1 year since Pidge told James off. Which probably was the best thing anyone has told him but that means he will get her back eventually witch worries me. I might be getting a little protective but how could I not.

Today started off like a normal day until I heard some ruckus in the school yard. At first I thought nothing of it until I heard James, Lotor,2 girls and Pidge's voice. Oh no, I think that day has come.

Pidge P.O.V
I was walking to potions class when I saw Lotor, James, Zethrid, and Ezor in the Hall ways so I turn into the school yard and their behind me. I get a little worried but as long as I get to potions class and have no fear walking there I'll be fine, Right? Wrong.

I hear them behind me "Hey Slytherin. I heard your so called friends don't care about you. They say your a waste of space half blood. " I was fine until they called me a half blood. I turn around "excuse me pricks" They get mad at me calling them a prick. The Zethrid girl steps up "Ooh someone thinks their strong" "I know I'm strong unlike some people who got in because their parents bought their way in. " "Pentrumpasus" Shit they just started firing at me. I went behind a tree. "Someone's scared now" Lotor says. "You wish" "Grrr Filtrisdroneum" It hits the tree and the trees gone. Help... I don't want to fire back because I don't want to be expelled. But I think I must, Im about to run behind another tree and stop think, and act. "Venioulicespector" Vines start to grow at their feet making them stay in place. "Stupid half blood! " Ezor says. Then James shoots a "garastyde" At me I block it then "spectrumspentis" It hits me in the shoulder. "Expelliearmas" James wand flies through the air and lands 7ft away from him. My shoulder is bleeding and I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I feel a hand on my non bleeding sholder. It's Keith oh thank god. My vision is a little blurry but I can manage. "Illuminate" Keith says as sparks fly into the air it's basically asking for help. I start breathing heavily "stupisstemptrus" Ezor shoots at Keith he can't move in time to block it.. But I can I push him aside and yell "stupify"and the doesn't move but I get hit by another spell (Ezors) and I'm on the ground in pain. Acxa shows up with a teacher and befor I black out I hear "Katie look at me, stay awake" It's Keith. Then I black out.

I'm having WAAAYYY to much fun writing this

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