Chapter 10 Cristmas part 2

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Pidge P.O.V
I wake up and it's Cristmas, just about everyone went home except like 10 people. But all of the Slytherin's went home but me. I walk out and knock on the Gryffindor common room door. Eeeww. James answers it, then says "Go away" And slams the door in my face. "Well ok then" I think.

I knock on the door again and Nyma answers the door "oh hey pidge how are you? " "Good Nyma how are you" "Pretty good, what do you need? " Is Keith there? " "Hold on I'll go get him. " She responded. I hear "Keith get out there your girlfriend is asking for you! " Then I hear Keith say "For the last time Nyma she's not my girlfriend! " Then Nyma says "Thats what you want me to think, to throw me off your trail, I'm onto you! " At this point I bust out laughing. Keith opens the door flustered, "Come on Keith let's go. " I say grabbing his hand and dragging him to the Slytherin common room.

Keith P.O.V
We get into the the Slytherin common room and I ask "isn't anyone here" And pidge says "no they all went home for Cristmas" I look around the room and it's gorgeous. There's a tree with presents underneath, there is a couple chairs and sofas. Pidge pushes me into a couch and said "sit" "I'm not a dog ya know" I say while I'm sitting down.

She ignores me and drops a pile of presents at my feet, then points to one and says open this last. " "Are these for me? " I ask. "No there for Santa Claus, Of course their for you! " She says. I laugh and pick one up and start peelkng off the wraping paper and got 50 galleons. "That's from my mom she didn't know what to get you. " "That's nice of her" I say. I put that box aside and pick up the next box and it's from Shiro, I open it and pull out a card that said "we all chipped in with this one ask pidge where it is. Sincerely- Shiro, Lance, Hunk, Allura, Axca, and Katie. " What's this about " I ask.

"I'll show you after the one I said to open last. " "Ok" I said picking another one up and opening it and I got socks - and a note that says "if you hurt Katie I will be on the next train to Hogwarts to kick your -" I stop reading and ask "is this from your brother? " "Yes, how did you know? " "I didn't it's just a guess. " I look over to her and she's done opening her gifts and has a little pile next to her.

"Open the last one! " She says. I pick it up and open it, then hold it up. It's a leather jacket that has a patch that has a little red lion on the side. "Stay right there" She says. I put the jacket on and I love it. "Close your eyes" I hear her say. "Ok" I say and close my eyes. I hear foot steps in front of me stop. "Ok now open them" She says. I open my eyes and she's holding the new Nimbus 3000, my jaw drops.. "Where did you get this?!?! " "Easy everyone chipped in a little money so you could play better, and so something like the Lotor incident doesn't happen again. " "Ok well, now it's my turn to get you something, now you close your eyes" I pull a little box out of my pocket and open it "now open your eyes. " "Aww Keith it's beautiful. " She says and she picked up the Pygmy Puff. (Ha got ya) It was a cute little mint green Pigmy Puff." What are you going to name it?" I ask. "Hmmm.. I like Mahogany" Then Mahogany sits on her shoulder and nusseled into her scarf. "Thank you Keith. " "Your welcome Katie"

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