Chapter 15 Dragons

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Pidge's P.O.V

After class me and Keith met up because we were going to walk around the school grounds. "Hey guys watcha doin? " It was Lance and behind him Shiro and Allura. "Oh nothing just walking about" I respond, there goes our plans. "Mind if we join" Shiro asks. "No, by all means " I say because Keith wasn't saying anything.

We were in the fields when we saw something, all of us looked at each other then looked back at the thing. "Oh my gosh, thats a silver spined alpo dragon. "Once Lance said the breed of the dragon I did a mental check on what I learned about its breed. "Oh yeah the alpo! It's an endangered species, but not much is known about the dragon, only, what they look like, their endangered, and that they grow to about 5 feet long 4 feet tall. " Suddenly the dragon blew fire in a circle around all of us. "Oh my god were gonna die! " Allura almost screamed out "this is not how I wanted to die! " She continued " Allura! No one is going to die" Shiro tried to reassure her.

The dragon slowly started crawling twords us. Next thing I know is that I'm out of the fire ring in harmed "guys! The fire doesn't hurt just run through" I tell them. They all look at me with shock and horror written on their faces. "Is there something on my face" I try to say. But for some odd reason all I hear is a dragon noise. 'Darn dragon talking over me' I think to my self. My tail flicked in annoy- WAIT TAIL! I start to panic, I look behind me and there is a tail, along with a dragon body, and cool looking wings. I run over to a small pond near by and look in the reflection and there is a dragon staring back at me.

I scramble back to the others panic sinking in how can I tell them it's me I think about how I turned into a dragon I start to think,I didn't get bit,I didnt place a spell,then how... The fire! It had to be why it didn't hurt me, on my way I grab a stick in my mouth. I see the other alpo dragon creeping closer and closer to my friends. I drop the stick and fly into the fire ring and in front of my friends, I let out a huge dragon roar telling the other alpo to back off. The other alpo looked like he peed himself. Then flew off.

I let out a sigh of relief and turn back to my friends who look at me in awe and a little fear. I turn around to them and they start to panic taking steps back, back to back with the fire wall, but before I do anything Keith steps out of the fire ring and before anyone else could I blow out the fire. I turn to see Keith and..... He's a dragon. He let's out a roar and asks "what the hell happend!? " " Keith are you ok? " I ask " Pidge?!?! " He responds "yep" I say. "How... " The fire you backed out of turned you and me into dragons... " "Oh well that explains a lot"

I turn and grab the stick the others look at me questioning what I'm doing I start to write on the ground 'it's me Pidge the other dragon is Keith the fire turned us into dragons. ' "it's me Pidge the other dragon is Keith the fire turned us into dragons." Hunk read my message. "Oh ok then.." Lance says.

Well, well, well looks like we have 2 wild dragons on campus looks like we will have to inform Alfor now won't we? " A person says stepping out of a bush. "Oh yes it is unsafe" The other said stepping out of the bush as well as 4 other people.

DUN, DUN, DUN, sorry I haven't been posting I have horses to work, shows to attend, sheep giving birth, homework, ugh but I will start posting more for shure!

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