Chapter 17 ... is this a joke

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"Ha that was weird,what did lotor mean by or should I say the two love birds but then said dragons? I mean you guys aren't a thing... are you? Lance questioned . "Ummm ya see-" pidge started but then stopped. " yes, yes we are but we wanted to keep it low profile and not draw unwanted attention to us." Keith finished.

"Oh, well that's great I just wish you had told us sooner! "Hunk said in his usual jolly voice. "Yeah, I'm real happy for you guys if you excuse me." Lance said starting off to the common room. "Lance wait- I'll go after him" hunk said.

Lance P.O.V
I ran back to the only place I felt safe... the bathroom because it's secluded from every where else and I needed the space. To be honest I don't know why I ran. I just did, I didn't feel like being in that pla- near them any more. I felt so much jealousy because I had a crush on Pidge, I really did like her but she a lease saw me as just a friend. Although I'm glad she's happy with Keith. I felt my cheek get a little wet. Was I crying? I hadn't even realised it "damit" I said out loud as I wiped my eye. As I was trying to pull myself back together Hunk came walking through the door of the bathroom. "Hey Lance we all saw you run off are you alright?" Hunk asked me as if he were talking to a sad kid.

Hunk P.O.V
"I'm Fine!" Lance snapped. I was taken aback to the outburst. "Lance your my best friend we have been through thick and thin just tell me what's wrong so I can help you,but I cant help you if you don't let me in." He sighs and spills every thing from his crush to why he ran. "Do you understandnow Hunk I'm just a goofball to think that she would like me." I grabbed his hands and looked him straight in the eye and said " Lance McClain you are one of the most stragicaly genius people I have ever met, you have come up with some of the most amazing plans I have ever imagined! Just because you can't land one girl doesn't mean you are unattractive or a goofball. You are such a great and funny guy, who I am so lucky to be friends with." Then I pull him into a hug and say "Lance there's a saying that goes there's plenty of fish in the sea, and you should go discover some other fish and not get caught up with a fish that has someone already." " Thanks Hunk I needed that" Lance said getting up off the ground "now common I'm hungry" I said as my stomach growled. "Hunk your alwas hungry" he responded as we started to walk records the kitchen.

Sorry guys I havnt posted in FOREVER but science school is out I have a lot more time to wright so I hope this makes up for my absence

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