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"Ok, your guy should be walking out right abooooouuut, now! Heads up."

I look through my binoculars, carefully watching the parking lot. Surely enough, I catch him. He has a hat on so I can't get a clear view of him. He does however get in a white Ford pickup truck. I catch the license plate as he drives out of the hotel parking lot.

"Ok, I'm clear. How am I getting in?"
I slip the binoculars back into my backpack. I then put it on.

"On your resume you said you can climb right?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Well, you don't look like the parkour type."

I smile and finish the last bit of my coffee.

"That's the idea. To be unpredictable. It's all about making people believe one thing, then throwing your wildcard at them."

I toss a twenty on the table and bristly walk out of the coffee shop. With my head down I walk directly across the street, into a construction site.

"Ok ok hold up, let me finish tapping into the cams."

Looking around, I busy myself by finding a way up. There are tons of makeshift ladders and plenty ways for me to shimmy my way up to were I need to go.

"You in yet?"

"Ummmm.. Yeah yeah ok, I see you. "

"Switch cams if you need to, once I start I can't stop moving or I'll lose momentum."

"Ok. Once you make it to the top my guy will get you to the window."

"Is he in place?!"

"Yes! He is calm down."

Ignoring the kid I set my watch on a timmer for fifteen minutes. I then push of my right foot into a full on sprint. Pumping my arms and legs, I use my left foot to bounce off of a pile of sandbags and grab a metal fram. I quickly pull myself up and keep running. A wheel barrel full of bricks is parked in my way, leaving me no choice, I jump and clear it, I cut right to go up to the second layer. Metal bars connect from this floor to the floor of level three. Wasting no time, I weave in and out of them as fast as I can. Level three has stacks of bricks, buckets and other gear all over. I simply run around them in a hopscotch style.

Level four is were I jump across.

A set of portable bathrooms are at the end of level three. One of the doors opens and a construction worker walks out of it. I slide to a halt.

Why is he here?!

Before I have time to run he sees me.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

I check my watch, only two minutes passed.

"Um, I uh."

"Your not allowed up here. Get out or I'm calling the police."

The Perfect PlanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora