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I open the sewer cover and salt water greets my nose once again. I look around and see that the area is clear.

"We're good."

I toss a few bags of cash up and climb out. One by one we all help each other get out. The cell phone rings again, this time I answer it.

"Hey, you got eyes on us?"

"Yeah, you guys look like you've seen better days."

I laugh.

"You got that right, we're coming to you."

I hang up the phone and drop it back into the sewers.

We all grab our bags and get moving again. Sweat covers me head to toe, my legs and feet are killing me, and I'm just ready to get on the boat already. As we walk to the boat, Kia jumps down and helps us load up.

"Can't believe we actually did it."

"I can't believe we're still alive at this point."

After getting my bags on we work on getting everyone else's.

"You all will get you cuts once we melt the gold. After that we all need to split up for a few months."

Tsk grabs my shoulder and points to the road.


Two undercover cop cars pull up to the docks, lights flashing brightly in the distance.

"If they see this boat we'er done for."

I pass him a gun from the boat then grab mine.

"Then let's buy some time. Kia once you're done here give us a honk!"

Tsk and I run towards them, guns blazing. As soon as we reach them, they open fire. I duck off to the right, he ducks off fo the left.

"Got two on me how bout you Ran!"

I peak and lean back.

"Three bogies in total Tk! On you!"

We nod and return fire at them. They take cover behind the cars. One peaks up for a second and I light up his side of the car.

"I'm running low! Got any extra guns?!"

"No! I'm running dry!"

More bullets fly our way, one even flys through the boat, just next to my arm. I lean out and fire four rounds, hitting one guy square in the forehead.

"Got one!"

Tsk sprays the car and tags another.

"I'm out!"

I hear a war cry come from behind us as bullets spray the cars down heavily. I look and see Boops with two M16's in hand. She passes one to Tsk and passes the other to me. She then pulls out two pistols and continues to lay cover fire on the cars. Two more cars pull up as she takes cover. Tsk and I spray them down with a full mag each.

"Moving up! Cover me!" I shout.

"Moving with you Boops hold here!"

Tsk and I push up and take cover behind the two cars that first arrived.

"You good?"

He checks over the car and slids back down.

"Yeah, we got two taking cover."

I nod.

"On you."

He lays down and shoots from under the car, I peak around the front of the car and let loose on them. They both fall down and they'er guns slide across the concrete.
We both take cover again and Kia honks the boat horn. It's loud nosie is impossible to miss, even over the gun fire. I take a breath of relief as the shooting stops.

"Let's go!"

Just as we are about to move, bullets shatter the glass just above our heads.

"You're not going anywhere, Kevin!"

I already know it's him.

How does he keep finding me!

The only way I can be free from this guy is by dropping him too, I hope.

"You're right. I'm finishing this right here, right now."

"The police are on the way, ten minutes tops."

"We'll be gone by then!"

I hear feet shuffle to the left side. I point over there and Tsk nods.

"I know I can't kill you all, but Kevin you got to go."

"Screw you! I'm not going anywhere!"

I have one idea in mind, but I'll have to execute it so perfectly, that even I'm not sure about it.

"Just toss your gun, and I'll put mine away. If anyone else pops out, I kill them and you."

"All I have to do is tell my team to go. You can't stop all of us. "

He walks back to the right.

"I know I can't. Just come out, slowly.

"Fine! Guys stay down."

I slowly come out with the M16 in hand. The hitman has his gun at me head.

"Toss it, now."

"Put your gun away first."

"No, it doesn't work like that. You got three seconds. One."

This is why my perfectionism is the only thing keeping me alive.


This is why my dad trained me tirelessly in the summer, because of what I'm about to do right now. Before he says three I stop him.

"Ok! Ok wait! I'll toss it. Where do you want me to throw it?"

"Over there, to the right."

As he points with his gun, I drop the M16 and pull out that second pistol I picked up from the control room floor, drop to one knee, and repeatedly pull the trigger.
He gets off two shots, one goes over me and another into my shoulder. As it hits me I fall onto my back. I filled his stomach with lead, so I still win. The fact that he actually hit me in the shoulder is, ok for once.

My heart pounds heavily with adrenaline. I try to move but wince as the pain hits me. Tsk stands up and walks over.

"Shot twice in one day? Very sloppy Ran."

I let out a small laugh, which makes my shoulder hurt more.

"Tell me about it."

He picks me up as Boops runs over and gets the guns. We all hustle onto the boat, sweating, bleeding, and out of breath.


He takes a few seconds to breathe before answering.

"Yeah buddy?"

"Remind me to never carry that much cash again, I mean like never again."

We both laugh, I have to hold my shoulder because of it. The boat leaves the dock and I just lay there, so much happened in the last two days. I can't believe we are still alive, I know we're good at this, but I swore I would have died doing that gun trick.

Never again.

"Never again," I say to myself.

Never again.

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