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"Why did you choose a bank so heavily protected?"

"Fame, that's why I chose this bank. We'll be pulling off the David and Goliath of bank robberies. Just remember, timing is absolutely key, understand?"

Boops looks at the board closely. She brushes a few strands of her brown hair to the side.

"What if they don't comply?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we'll be forcing them to do what we say all in ten minutes. Don't you think they'll fight back?"

"You have a point, but we will have the element of surprise. Once they hear those gunshots, adrenaline and instincts will take over. They will just react wildly, but we will be focused, therefore we will overpower them, I hope."

Aux raises his hand.

"Your theory has an excellent point, but the human body can do some quiet incredible things with the presence of adrenalin."

I adjust my glasses.

"Well Aux, boops here is quite capable of fighting, so if anything does go down, she can handle it."

Boops looks at me with her eyes wide open.  Brown eyes beaming with excitement.

"So if someone steps out of line I can break they're jaw? Nice. "

"N-Not exactly, only if I give the word."

She rolls her eyes.

"If you try to stop me I'll break your jaw . So just do your hacking stuff and I'll worry about who needs a beating."

"A-Anyway, any other questions?"

B raises his hand.  He sits in the very back with a hood on.

"It won't matter how many hostages we have since the cops will just move in and kill us anyway."

"Not if we make sure the media knows we have them. See we will be using the media as a weapon too."

"You better hope they not some crooked cops then."

I look at my watch and realize we only have five minutes before our meeting is over.

"Ok guys we only have five minutes so I'm going to go over the ten minute plan and our jobs for the inside. Try to keep up please. Also hold all questions for the end."

Everyone nods and agrees.

"Ok so first off is our ten minute plan. Aux, Boops, Tsk and I will already be inside. Boops you will be posing as a guard there. I'll get with you on how we will do that. Tsk you will be a janitor, sorry buddy."

He laughs.

"All good bro."

"Aux and I will just blend in like customers. B you will have a very important job to do. You'll be driving a van to the bank with an EMP in it."

"Where are you even gonna get one from? Do you just have one laying around."

"Well, kinda, it's a long story."

"How close to the bank do I have to be."

"Just somewhere in the back of the parking lot. Now once the EMP goes off the place will go out. No lights, not even cell phones will be able to place a call.
Before someone asks how will we see, we will hit it around the time it opens, so the sun will be in the the perfect spot. We will then have all the hostages line up single file and take they'er phones. We will also have to deal with the guards. Once everyone is tied up, I'll go set up in the control room so I can use all the cameras to watch the place. I've written down your parts on the board so look there if you ever forget or get mixed up for some reason.
Now the jobs will be more organized and simple. Aux and Tsk will be getting the cash out if the safes. There's over fifty one million spreaded out in the four safes so as soon as we get in we need to jump on it. We also will need a few explosives Aux."

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