Fifteen [ Epilogue ]

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" It is official. The BCB bank heist that happened two weeks ago was sadly a success. It is still unclear how many people were working together. We do know that they made off with Seventy-five million five-hundred thousand dollars. Some of that was in gold as well. Lieutenant Eugene Carter was last reported in a hospital due to an injury involving the robbers' escape. All hostages are accounted for, but at the docks not too far away, six undercover FBI agents were found dead. The FBI have nothing to say."

I turn off the TV and just lay there in my hospital bed. I look on my nightstand and see a get better card from Tanner.

*Get well soon Carter. Chief said it would be best for you to possibly put the badge down for awhile, I agree with him. These things cause bad PTSD. I'm here if you need me.*

I pick up the phone and dial his number. It rings a few times, then he picks up.


"Hey buddy. How are you?"

"I'm worried sick about you."

"I told you I wouldn't die right?"

"I guess. Listen I'm glad you called. I got something to tell you."

"What's up?"

"At first I thought you were just talking nonsense about the guy keeping tabs on Ran. Well I got a letter saying that someone needs us to meet them when you get out."

"Both of us?"

"Yeah. So rest up, Cause I think it's about your guy Ran."

I sigh.

"Thanks man. I'll call you later."

"Alrighty then. See ya."

He hangs up  and I set my phone back down. A couple seconds later my phone buzzes. I look and it's from a private number.

*Rest up, we got a trip to take. Ran still needs to be stopped. This time we will have a team of our own. Reply yes if you accept.*

With Tanner on my side, I know Ran will go down, without a doubt. Just for a second, I think about the metal in my chest.

Is it worth dying over though?

I rub my forehead as I think more.

What will the FBI do if I say no. I already have too much information about Ran as it is.

I feel like they used that against me in a way.

I either say yes and risk my life catching him, or say no and suffer the consequences.

Deep down, I know I'd rather die protecting the country than being a threat to it. I turn on my phone and unlock it.

*Rest up, we got a trip to take. Ran still needs to be stopped. This time we will have a team of our own. Reply yes if you accept.*


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