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Lieutenant Carter:

I walk on to the boat dock and scan the surrounding boats.

The sea truck sounds like a cargo ship.

I slowly walk the dock looking and listening.

Slowly sweep one way, then backtrack for a more detailed look.

If these guys are as dangerous as that guy explained, I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to.

I highly doubt it's here. They must be extremely organized if they are able to hit a military black ops site. They won't just leave any traces behind like that.

As I turn around I bump into someone, a woman to be exact.

"Sorry ma'am! Didn't see you there."

She laughs.

"It's fine. I was just trying to figure out what you were doing out here."

I show her my badge.

"Just following a lead in the big robbery going on in the BCB bank."

"Oh, Ok good. I thought I would have had to  hit you  in the head with my bat."

I let out a small chuckle.

"Hey, by they way, have you heard or seen a boat or anything like that called the Sea Truck?"

She doesn't answer right  away.

"Uh, No. No I've never heard of anything going by that name sorry."

"Well I'll get out of your hair then, sorry to disturb you."

I give her a short, quick nod and head back to my car.

If the boat wasn't here I wonder if I'll have any luck at the address that was on there.

I get in and close the door, then realize the same guy I met at the house is sitting in the passenger seat. My heart jumps up to my throat as soon as I hear him.

"No luck?"

I try to catch my breath before speaking.

"N-no, nothing there. These guys won't leave behind any traces."

"I checked the addresse, the house is being renovated so we are out of luck there too."

"What if we have a few uniforms sit on this place?"

He rubs his chin as he thinks.

"Not a bad idea. You should tell yhem you know about the boat, maybe they will surrender."

I shake my head.


"What? Why no?"

"This guy Ran, he's had the upper hand all this time. Now it's my turn. Let them go through with they'er plan, then we hit them when they come out."

"Good idea, but there isn't a boat for them to get on."

"Do you think it was false info?"


"So what's the call?"

"Scratch it for now. I'll dig some more."

"How did you get the lead?"

"Just a hunch. Kenny owned the ship so I though Kevin took it over."

I sigh.

"Not to call you out, but stop giving me info unless you have solid evidence, ok? I could have been in my bed sleeping right now. Instead I'm chasing a dead lead."

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