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Lieutenant Carter:

"Bring the blueprints over here,quickly we need to get in there."

The tech crew brought over some supplies for this hostage situation. I was able to have them grab the layout of the building as well. The tech crew, a few swat officers and I all stand in the jumbo police tent looking at the prints now.

"The last time a BCB bank was robbed, the perps made out with twenty thousand. This time they won't be able to get a dime understand?"

Tanner, the lead swat officer points out the different ways we can move in.

"Now we know the front door is off limits so we'll have to improvise. The loading bay is our best bet. With the wide door entrance we can easily flood them with units. We can also try to get a few people to get on the roof with the help of a chopper."

A take a pen and mark both of them. "Can we hit them both? Force them to spread out to weaken they're fire power. They'll know we're coming so we'll have to hit them hard."

Tanner looks over my idea.

"Smart. You should try to talk to them before we move in. They might surrender once they know they can't escape."

"Agreed. Get a bird ready, we don't want them getting comfortable in there."




I look at my watch as I head downstairs.

"Aux! Aux how are we time wise?"

Aux pops his head out from one of the safes.

"Don't worry. We're done cleaning out the first safe up here. Tsk is down in the basement getting the others with Knox and Jay."

"My Dad said they'er the best, let's see if they hold up to his word. Is the bomb ready?"

He sighs.

"Yes but Ran, it might not work. If we blow a hole in the bank game over."

My Dad's words echoe in my head.

Only take what you can.

" Let me know when you're going to blow it."

" I don't think we should, but ok."

As I head back towards the stairs, I check on boops.

"You good?"

"Yeah. We keep switching hostages out when they get tierd, so we're good."

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