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I park my car and shut off the engine. My hands are calm and at ease. I clean my glasses and put them back on. I switch out my digital watch for my old school one, then pat the bag in the passenger seat and get out of the car. Humming  to myself,  I walk towards the building. Going up the steps, I notice that there are only workers here and a few customers.


I push open the door to the bank and walk inside. Right away a security guard steps up to me with a metal detector.

"Spread your arms and legs please."

I do as she says. As she checks me, I take a quick look around.

Two safes at the front, two in the basement.

The guard stands up.

"Ok you're clear to go."

I nod as she moves aside. I look around more, this place is so perfectly symmetrical. It's just the way all large structures should be. Even the steps outside were perfect.

It's a shame I'll have to ruin it a bit.

I see a janitor mopping the floor while whistling row row row your boat. I walk over to him.

"Excuse me, where are your bathrooms?"

"All the way towards the back to the right sir."


"No problem."

I walk to the back, staying to the right side. A few customers are in line waiting. There are even a handful standing in line at the ATM machines. Finding the bathrooms signs are pretty easy. I walk into the men's room and close the door. There's a guy with a full grey suit with a white button up under. He's standing at the sink, washing his hands. He reaches for a  paper towle while looking my way.

"Just me and you in here." He jokes.

I check my watch. "No surprises? Everyone checked in with you, right?"

"Yes Ran we did our parts. What about you?"

"My part is done."

He reaches into the suit and tosses me my override device.

"You'll need this."

"Of course. How many guards?"

"Four counting Boops."


"Just one."


"Twelve . Four bankers, six truck drivers and two managers."

"I've counted twenty customers. What about you?"

"They come and go so that info isn't stable."

"It's still good to have a number."

"What did I tell you? Hm?"

"Focus on the guards."


"Still the more hostages the more compli-"

"Shhhhh. Don't stress your head with that. We are prepared for that ok?"

I take a breath and nod.

"Fine Aux, fine."

"Look, this will work ok?"

"The numbers are important to me."

"I know. But trying to do everything perfectly is impossible."

"It's, it's doable."

"This will get sloppy."

"Not if we follow the plan."

"The plan is a bit shaky on the getaway, therefore we might have to kill a few cops."

"Not if we follow the plan."

"This is why I'm in charge when you get like this, your tough to deal with."

"I can't help it ok?"

He laughs.

"I'm just messing with you."

The bathroom lighta die out, without warning. Like the part just before the jump scare in a horror movie.



"Good luck."

"Thanks. Remember, ten minutes."

"Let's go."

We both quickly walk out of the bathroom. A lot of screaming from the front greets my ears.

Quickly control them please.

Gunfire erupts and more screams.

"Everyone against the wall! Move it move it!"

I walk back to the front as all the workers and customers are lined up single file against the wall by the crew I asked Dad for. Each hostage is putting they'er phones into a small bag that the janitor, Tsk, is holding out. I tap Tsk's shoulder, he turns around and hands me zip ties and tape from his janitor bucket.

"I'll go help Boops get the guards from up top. Tau and B are priming the first bomb now."

I nod as he jogs upstairs to the security room. Aux heads over to the first safe and I help the rest of the crew tie up the hostages.

"Tie them with the zip ties then go over it with the duct tape."
We work quickly in the dimly lit room. Since there are huge windows in the front, they let in a bit of sunlight.

The other three guards walk downstairs with they'er hands tied.
I look over to Boops.

"Have the phones been taken?"

"Yeah. Dad go dump the batteries in that water in your bucket."

Tsk nods and gets to work. B runs over to me with a duffel bag and hands me a pistol.

"First charge is set."

"Ok. People I'm headed upstairs to set up!"

I run upstairs into the security room. Chairs have been knocked down and a pistol is on the floor.


I grab the gun, putting it in my waistband behind me. I then  pick up the chairs and  straighten up the room, picking up papers and setting up the desk neatly. Once I'm satisfied with it I leave the room and go into one of the offices and unplug it's phone. I then bring it back into the security room and plug it back up. Tsk walks in the room now wearing a black boiler suit with a saw mask in his hand.

"Time to dress up."

He hands me my own suit and mask.

"Are the other bombs set? Also are all hostages accounted for?"

"Yes and yes. Now get ready boy, we got work to do."

"Yes we do."

I quickly get dressed in my black boiler suit and set my mask down on the desk. As I sit down, the lights come back on.

Ten minutes and everything is going as planned.

I plug my override device  into the computer and turn it on. Once the brute force hack is complete, I can see all the files of all employees. I delete everything they have on Boops from the past two weeks. I also deactivate the silent alarm, and gain access to the safes' password. I quickly do each task, but also make sure to double check each one. B walks into the room.

"Yo Ran we set, got the code?"

"Yes, here."

I write it on a piece of paper and give it to him.

"Is the drill ready?"

"Yeah. Gonna go start it up now. The gold is in the basement also."

"Good. The police will figure out something is wrong in about fifteen minutes because of the gunshots. So we need to move fast to do the next phase."

"Cool cool."

I grab my mask and head downstairs.

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