•Chapter One•

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*Okay somethings important to point out, this starts off in the first episode of BNHA

This is an AU, alternate universe, so please do not think I'm giving anyone any spoilers cause NONE of this book happens in the show or manga.

And if you've never seen or heard of BNHA you should watch it, but to sum it up Quirk=Superpower & Quirkless=No Superpower & Allmight is the Number One Hero*

Suicidal Aspects ahead•

Izuku's POV
"Why don't you go take a swan dive off the tallest building and hope you'll get a Quirk in your next life?"

Those words echoed in my head. I stared at my burnt notebook, maybe if I look at it hard enough Kacchan's harsh words will just disappear.

"Idiot." I heard myself mumble over and over again.

"What would he do if I really did jump?" I thought for a moment before coming to the conclusion that Kacchan probably wouldn't even care. For some reason that thought made me chuckle.

My childhood friend wouldn't even care if I died, isn't that just hilarious. I decided it was best to leave the book, where it may rest in piece. I begin to walk home, my head hanging low.

I was about halfway home when I heard something approaching me from behind. I turned around instantly, but I couldn't find anything, must have been my imagination. I continued to walk down my path and I bumped into someone, it was Allmight!

I stood in awe just looking at the humongous hero, whom I've adored since I was little.

"Oh, hello young man! I'm sorry to bother you but have you seen a 'sludge' villain anywhere? I was chasing him till he turned the corner and disappeared."
It took all my effort to even manage a slight no, I just couldn't believe it.

"Well then I would make sure to get home, wouldn't want you running into this villain." He looked as though he was about to speed off but I just blurted something out without thinking.

"Can I be a hero?" I regretted my poor choice of words as Allmight looked at me, stunned by the sudden question.

"Well of course my boy, anyone can be a hero!" I felt my smile return as my dreams began to lift up again.

"Even if a don't have a Quirk?" My smile faded once more as Allmight quickly replied "No." I could feel my heart sink. I know he said something else but all other noise was drowned out.

At first I backed away slowly but when I got far enough I began running in the opposite direction of the number 1 hero. Once I got far enough I laid down in an alleyway and tried to push back the tears. It seemed the tears just kept on flowing even if I attempted to stop them.

"You can't be a hero! Stay out of the way! Go die! You're useless! Quirkless! Mistake! Deku!" My worst memories flowed into my mind. I was too distracted with reality to notice the green sludge pouring from my book bag.

I looked down to see a villainous face smiling at me. I tried to run but the sludge man already had me in his grasp and I could feel myself loosing air. The villain tried to force his way inside my body, not giving any disregard on if I lived or died.

"I sEnSE GreAt PoWER In yOu!" I struggled once more, this time a burst of energy shot out through the air. More people started to realize the situation I was in, even some other heroes. The sludge villain moved out of the cramped shadows.

Another burst of energy went shooting into the air as the villain took over more control of my body.

I felt like fainting again until I saw someone in the crowed of onlookers, Kacchan! Yes! If anyone he could get me out! He and his friends were all staring at the situation playing out before them. I could make out a little of their conversation as they walked away.

"Bakugou shouldn't you help Midoriya?" Yes! Please help!

"Yeah, and this could be a way to show you're a hero!" Yes! Prove that you're not a bad person, please!

"I don't owe that Deku anything, so I'm not gonna save him, besides the other heroes can handle it." No! Please come back! I trusted you!

A part of me expected Kacchan to say something like that but another part of me wanted my intuition to be wrong. I thought more about what Kacchan said and remember that Allmight was close by.

He was only a few blocks away, he should be here, he was looking for this villain, why isn't he helping? I felt my heart sink as I realized I was alone, no one cared about me. My vision blurred and the world went dark.

When I awoke I was under a hero, Kamui Wood. He's the new hero, yeah I think I remember writing about him in my hero analysis notebook. He told me that the villain was captured and I had only received minor injuries. I told him what happened leaving out the part about Allmight.

"You shouldn't be walking alone when villains are near and please try to be a little more observant." I heard the tree superhero say under his breath.

Why was I the one being scolded? What did I do wrong? It's not like I meant to be taken hostage. All these new negative thoughts plunged into my mind. The heroes were trying to question me but I just had to get away from everyone, so when they weren't looking I slipped out. As soon as the heroes were no longer in sight I ran and ran as fast as possible and didn't stop until I was in my room.

I sat down on my bed and began to piece together all my past memories and what had happened today.

"This hero world is trash!" I kept screaming that over and over again.

"Allmight? Hah! What a joke!" I yelled as a smashed everything even somewhat related to the hero.

"Kacchan doesn't deserve that blessed power!" I shouted while ripping the rest of my hero notebooks.

I felt my self break down, I couldn't stop the tears. I heard a knock on the door, it was probably my mom. I panicked and climbed out of the window, leaving my mother standing outside the my door. I ran until I saw something, the bridge.

It's the bridge Kaccha- I mean Bakugou and I used to play at. The once sweet memories turned sour as I realized how awful my childhood friend truly was.

This hero society is just a scam, absolutely pathetic. Those who can be something are granted nothing. Those who only want their needs to be filled get everything. I remember sitting on that tree bridge, building up my hate, for a while.

When I got home I saw dinner on the table for me and my mom was asleep. I kissed my mother's forehead and went to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I locked the door and grabbed the razor, making seven cuts on both my arms. Seven days.

Seven days and then I leave this wasteland of a planet.

Okay sooo this took a dark path....
Listen I know it's different from the actual first episode but that was the point. Everything will play out eventually so just stick around and deal with my bad writing. It will get better! Well somewhat better for Izuku....

P.S. Art doesn't belong to me!

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