•Chapter Two•

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Kastuki's POV
Its been about a week after the sludge villain incident and something has definitely been up with Izuku. Something's off about him.

He hasn't mumbled, smiled, or even been late to class because he stops to watch the heroes on the way to school. It's just so odd and to be blunt it's really pissing me off.

"Deku!" I slammed my hand on his desk, also creating a small explosion from my palms. He didn't move, not even a mere flinch. When he didn't respond I got even more angry.

"What the hell?! You think your all tough because you had an encounter with a villain!" No response.

"Listen I don't care if you think your one of the damn gods or something because you're sill alive, but stop acting all high and mighty!" Again, no response. I looked down and I see his arm, more cuts. He's been adding cuts to his arms every since the sludge villain.

First it was seven, then six, then five, then four, then three, then two, and now only one. I want to help him, at least a little, but I can't. Everyone would think I'm weak for helping Quirkless Izuku.

I want to say things like "Are you okay?" And "Talk to me, before you do something stupid." I glare at Izuku hoping he understands that I hate what he did to his arms, but he doesn't seem to get the picture. The bell rings and the teacher commands me to go to my seat, how annoying.

Can't they see I'm trying to help my childhood friend! The day goes on and I can't help but turn my gaze to Izuku every now and again. After class is over I see Izuku writing on a small notecard.

The two idiots I was with started pushing me out the door, saying "Come on! We got things to do!" I didn't really pay them any mind, but reluctantly I did leave. As I was leaving the classroom I saw Izuku walking up the stairs. I guess the two others noticed and began talking about it.

"What do you think he's doing?" The brown haired boy said.

"Such and idiot, doesn't he know the exit door is the other way?" The taller one mockingly stated.

"Who cares? Let's go." I said, after becoming very annoyed with their loud talking. Once we got outside the school the two started to yammer pointless conversation, I couldn't deal with it anymore.

"I need to go back to the classroom." I said and just left the other two. When I got back to the classroom I saw something out the window. IZUKU!

He has his eyes closed and was falling head first. In a moment of pure instinct I ran to the window and reached out my hand to him, trying to grab him. I stuck my hand out as far as it could go, but I was too late.

He fell past my arm. He was gonna die. No, no, no, no...NO! I couldn't see that, so I pulled myself behind the window. I waited for a crash or a splat, or anything, but it never came. I ran straight out of the classroom, faster than ever.

When I got to where Izuku would have fallen there was nothing, no motionless body, not even any blood. I went closer and found his hero notebook in a fountain, he didn't ever get it out? I grabbed the notebook and noticed a small note, I picked it up.

I left for my house, wondering about what I just experienced. I couldn't deal with my parents right now, so I just ignored them and went to my room. I had a lot to process.

What just happened. In the moment, I thought reading the note was a good idea. I wish I didn't though.

The note read: Those who find this, just toss it. I know no one cares about me, because of something I couldn't control. I wanted to be a hero, to help those you needed to be saved, but in the end I was the one who needed the most help. I would like to thank my Mom, Bakugou, and Allmight. You all gave me some of the most happiest memories, and all of the worst. I didn't want to die, I didn't want to give in, but in the end I can't live in this awful place anymore. Goodbye. I'll see you with a Quirk in my last life Bakugou!

The last part left me with an immense amount of guilt. When I told him to go kill himself I didn't really mean it, and I definitely didn't think he'd ever listen to me. And what does auntie and Allmight have to do with his worst memories. I was guilty, then sad, then like always I turned my feelings into pure anger.

I hated this note, I hated what happened to Izuku, I hate me! I shredded the paper and went to bed without doing anything else. After that I stayed in my room for most of the weekend, I don't want to face anyone.

On Monday I awoke to find both my parents sitting at the kitchen table. Weird. One they were both here, which is odd since they have work at this time, and breakfast was already made. When I got to the table both dad had concern written all over of his face. Mom, on the other hand, couldn't even face me, small droplets forming on her face.

"Katsuki...we have something very important to tell you, so please don't freak out or loose your temper." My farther spoke in a calm manner.

"...Okay..." I was hesitate to respond, this whole thing was getting weird.

"Izuku has been missing since Friday, no one can find him." My mother quickly stated, holding back tears. The overwhelming voice in my head was back.

You're the reason he's gone! You're the reason your mom and your auntie will have to deal with this! It's your fault!

I couldn't escape it any longer, my frustration, grief, and blame all swirled together.

I glared at both my parents, "He's not dead, so stop acting like he is! Both of you need to stop being so soft! He'll come back, right? He wouldn't leave! Be smart!"

I ran upstairs and got ready for school. When I got down stairs I saw my mom crying on my dad, he waved me off and I nodded. As I was walking down the street I noticed the signs and flyers, they were for Izuku. The all had MISSING on them and as I was passing by I grabbed one. It had all Izuku's information and even a picture. I put the flyer in my pocket before heading off to school.

Izuku really is gone, isn't he?

Hello! I hope you all enjoyed my story! I know it's very odd but this is honestly how I believe Kacchan feels about Deku. I believe he wants to call him Izuku and be his friend, but he's stupid pride always get in the way. Also if you want the explanation to what happened to Izuku then read the next chapter! Goodbye and have a great day!

Art isn't mine!

When Heroes Fall |Villain Deku AU|Where stories live. Discover now