•Chapter Seven•

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Todoroki's POV

The small, green haired boy known as Izuku Midoriya was laying on the infirmary bed before us. He looked like he was so much pain despite what Recovery Girl and Eraserhead told us. I wanted to stay with Midoriya, but Eraserhead commanded for the students to leave the room.

I could my fellow students didn't want to leave, though we all reluctantly started to walk away. I saw Kirishima turn back to glance at Midoriya, I did the same.

I expected to see a unconscious boy, but instead I see a damaged, in pain, angry, crying, terrified, confused, fragment of a boy.

A white flame began to surround Midoriya and he backed as far away as possible from us.

"W-what d-did you d-d-do to m-me?!" His voice was raspy and shaking like crazy. Kirishima seemed to be the only one not paralysed at the moment.

"Hey, it's okay, I know you're scared, it's okay." Kirishima's voice was calm, yet still holding a tinge of fear. Midoriya's eyes were glossed over by the clouds, my body tensed in self defence.

The fire surrounding Midoriya lunged at Kirishima, knocking him out of the nurses office. Some students ran towards Kirishima, but Eraserhead just approached the handcuffed boy.

Eraserhead put a firm hand on injured boy's chest, forcing Midoriya to both lay still and scream out in pain.

"I-it h-hurts..." Midoriya whimpered. Eraserhead nodded to Recovery Girl and she pulled out some sort of syringe. She then injected a weird liquid into Midoriya. His eyes slowly shut and he  fell once again into a deep sleep.

"The hell?!" I heard Bakugou growl. I followed the direction of his eyes to see an almost unharmed Kirishima, he still had some cuts here and there though.

"You shouldn't be walking, idiot!" Bakugou said again walking closer to Kirishima.

"I'm fine, I activated my Quirk before anything bad could happen." Kirishima raised his hands defensively.

"And, is that concern from the all powerful Bakugou I hear?" Kirishima chuckled, putting on the same old shark tooth grin. I could here more shouts and taunting and explosions behind me, but I was focused on someone else.

After that whole scene, I wanted to stay even more with Midoriya and just help him, but I could see that I was in no position to argue with the teachers. I grabbed both the angry blonde and the smiling red head and dragged them out of the room.

"What do we do now?" A girl with black hair tied in a ponytail ask.

"Yaoyorozu, correct?" She nodded and looked away, a tint of pink forming on her cheeks.

"Well," I started, "we can all go home, which is understandable, or we can wait for Aizawa Sensei in the classroom.

Bakugo I looked over at me and rolled his eyes.

"First off, don't talk like you got the whole class listening, it's only me, you, ponytail, pink cheeks, glasses, and shark idiot. Second, even if we do wait around for our dumb teacher do you really think he'll tell us anything?"

I hate to admit it but Bakugou had a point.

"Then go do whatever you want, I'm not your babysitter Bakugou." We had a brief stare down until Yaoyorozu broke it up.

I walked away from my group of classmates, I honestly don't care all too much if that offended them. I don't mean to sound heartless, but I just see no need for tons of social interactions. All I need to focus on now was Izuku Midoriya.

When I got to our classroom I sat down in my regular seat, I waited there for a while. In the time I was sitting down I questioned why I was even here.

What am I doing here? Why do I care? My thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Aizawa entering the classroom with a loud door slam. It looked like he just had a conversation with someone, but I didn't care about that right now.

"Any news on Izuku Midoriya? Bad or good, it doesn't matter." I said. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"Like I just told Iida, Uraraka, and Kirishima it's non of your concern, so drop it."

Why was I pushing? Why do I care? I don't. I don-

"Please, just tell me anything, I've been waiting here for an hour, please." My voice cut off my brain and I pushed the hero further.

"No. Now go home or something." I can't leave, I'm not finished.

"How's his condition? Any more outburst? Has he woken up? Is he okay? I just want to-"

"Todoroki! Enough is enough, go home." I know when to shut up, and this was not the time.

"Sir, I just want to know how Midoriya is doing, cause it seemed he wasn't in ship shape earlier." My home room teacher gripped his head and looked at me, a dead and tired look in his eyes.

"Alright, fine. Go ahead to the nurse and check on him yourself." Yes, I had won.

"Thank you, Sir." I bowed my head and he waved me off.

"Just let me get some sleep." I quickly left the room and headed straight for the nurses office. When I entered the room the green haired boy was still asleep and handcuffed to the bed.

I walked over to him. He looked like he was in a lot of pain and I wanted to help, but I just don't know what to do. I thought back on how my older sister and mom used to stroke my hair to make me feel better.

I carefully placed my hand on Midoriya's hair. His broccoli hair was so incredibly soft and felt amazing to pet. This made me feel a bit awkward, but when I glanced back at Midoriya he seemed to no longer be in pain. This oddly felt nice. It stayed like that for a few more minutes until I decided to leave.

When I got up to leave a firm hand gripped my arm pulling me to the floor.

"Ow." I said bluntly. When I turned around green eyes and furrowed browns were glaring at me. It was at this moment when I realized that this was the reason I don't care for people.

"Talk." He spoke coldly.


Hello! I'm sorry for the late update, I just got better from the stomach flu! Okay another apology goes to all the people who don't ship TodoDeku, cause I really love this ship! I'm going to be hinting at it, along with all the other request ships. Thank you all for reading and have a nice evening/day!

Art isn't mine!

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