•Chapter Six•

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Kirishima's POV
After that guy with the questions left the other villains started to falter, it was weird. The villain in the hood seem to rattle explosion boy, otherwise known as Kastuki Bakugou.

I was concerned about my classmate, but I had to shrug it off since we're currently fighting for our lives.

Apparently I was focusing too much on Bakugou to realize what happened, the villains had both the heroes on the ropes.

My eyes widened in shock and I turned my head away from the villain I was fighting. In one second a villain was on top of me, he was scarred and scary.

The blue flames he was giving off were breaking through my quirk. Just as he was about to lay he final blow, Bakugo stepped in and shot him away from me. Bakugo was now standing in front of me and protecting me from the villain like I was a helpless child or something. Once the villain got backup he let out a laugh, a wicked and horrible sound.

"Hehe, right were we want you." It was then that I took in my surroundings. Everyone in the class was in one big circle and the villains and heroes were no where near us, aside from the purple mist.

The mist that made up the villain began to swallow us whole. When the purple gas finally cleared I realized we were some sort of holding room.

It was dark and held a terrible smell, but humanly things were in here too. A green bed and a dresser were in the room, on the dresser was a small light.

I turned the lamp on, it was so bright it took a minute for me and my classmate's eyes to adjust. Once they did we were met with a horrible sight, and the reason of the nose wrecking smell.

Blood. There was blood everywhere, parts of humans, and to top it all off a person strapped to the wall.

The guy looked about my age, he had green hair that was mostly covered in someone's blood. His head was down and with the poor shape he was in it became very hard to identify him, for most of us at least.

"Izuku!" I turned to where the voice can from and it was Bakugou, how... shocking.

He ran in the direction of Izuku and blew off the chains that held him to the wall. Once released, Izuku fell into Bakugou's arm and lifted his face for the first time. He had green eyes and freckles, but he still looked lifeless.

"Izuku! Wake up, god dammit!" Bakugou shook the boy so hard Izuku's lucky his head was attached to his shoulders, but Bakugou did get a response.

"Kacchan?" Bakugou held the boy closer and looked like he was on the brink of tears.

"Jesus Izuku, I'm so glad you're here. You...you had everyone so worried." It was then that I realized who the boy was.

"Oh, wait, is that the kid who went missing like 6 months ago?" All eyes were staring at me, though I heard some other people confirming my statement.

"Yeah he is," Bakugou said, right before the human broccoli passed out. 

"Shit. We have to get out of here, now." Explosion boy growled.

"Are we really going to take him with us." My other classmate, Todoroki, said.

"Tch. Of course, idiot. He's my childhood friend, I'm not leaving him." Todorki's multi-coloured eyes scanned Bakugou.

"Alright, but let me hold him." Todoroki commanded the blond.

"Why?" Bakugou asked.

"So you can make our path and I can freeze his wounds?" Todoroki scoffed, making Bakugo groaned, but he released the boy nonetheless.

Todoroki picked up the sleeping male and an enormous explosion turned the brick wall into dust.

"Dude!" I screamed at Bakugou, I revived a confused look.

"You can't just go blowing things up, you don't know what could've happened!" I couldn't hide the anger or concern in my voice.

"Sorry, but at least now we can leave." He muttered in a barely audible voice. Did he just apologize? That was...different.

Yaoyorozu command for everyone to follow behind her as she ran for the opening in the wall.


We heard a loud crash from above and didn't stop. The newly made hole lead into a dark alleyway, I saw a dim light farther down.

'Why is it so far?!' I thought to myself. More bangs and loud noises could be heard behind us, but I knew we couldn't stop. When the light got closer we saw people, no....

"Heroes! We're over here!" Almost all of the class shouted in unison. I physically flinched from the sun and camera lights shinning at us.

"Who's this?" Eraserhead head said, taking the green haired boy away from Todoroki.

"I don't know, he was with us when we woke up." Todoroki said.

"Yeah well I know him, he's Izuku Midoriya and he went missing about 6 months ago." Explosion boy said. Oh, that's his name, I guess I can call him Midoriya now.

"Alright then, we'll take to him UA with us, I guess." Eraserhead lead us back to UA, which was hard because moved so quick.

Once we got there we all zoomed into Recovery Girl's office, after all the human broccoli wasn't the only one hurt. After a quick kiss to the students, Recovery Girl gave a big smooth on Midoriya's forehead. When most of the gashes covering his body healed Eraserhead put cuffs all Midoriya's arms and legs.

"Hey! What gives!?" Bakugou yelled.

"It's just precaution, now I think it's time to leave." Said the lazy hero, grabbing onto Bakugou's shoulder.

As much as many students, including me, wanted to stay, Eraserhead didn't give much of a choice. I turned to leave, glancing back once to look at the unconscious boy.

That was a mistake.

Art isn't mine!
*Best rock boi is 'bout to learn why you don't mess with Izuku*

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