Jisung {oneshot} pt.1

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Your best friend had dragged you along to Hyunjin's 'epic' house party, but you really didn't understand the hype. What's the point if you won't even remember any of it the next day?

She had already disappeared within the first ten minutes of arriving, probably to flirt with some boys, so you spent the rest of your time with a fake smile plastered on your face, hoping that the clock would move faster.

Eventually, you made your way upstairs looking for the bathroom... or just somewhere quiet to escape to.

You randomly opened a door and peered inside. Sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen was a boy, who suddenly turned to look at you.

"Sorry, I was just looking for the bathroom." You immediately apologised.

He nodded."It's ok, at least you've been more polite than the other people who've been coming in, either looking for a toilet because they drank too much, or looking for an empty bed to have sex on." He told you causally.

"Yeah, well as you can probably tell, I'm completely sober."

He raised an eyebrow curiously, "Not even one sip? Who comes to a party to not drink? Are you like the designated driver or something?"

"Nope, I'm just a boring person. Plus, I never even get the positive effects, drinking only gives me an embarrassing red face and a headache, so what's the point? I was just forced to come here by my best friend, who already left me." You complained.

"Sucks to be you I guess. Not like I'm any better. I'm Hyunjin's younger brother, so I don't even have a choice because this is my house." He said straightforwardly.

"I see, and you're not a party person either?" You assumed.

He shook his head, "Nah. Drinking gives me the same negative effects as you. And besides, the only part I like is listening to the music, but I'd much rather do that from the comfort of my room with headphones on."

"Good choice. I wish I could do that too, but I can't leave without my friend, since I'm afraid she won't be able to make it back home alive." You said bluntly.

"Well you can stay in here if you want, you know, until the party's over." He told you.

"Are you sure?" You asked, not wanting to intrude on his privacy, after all, you were a stranger to him.

"Yeah, as long as you close the door behind you and stick a chair underneath the doorknob." He said, as he noticed yet another drunk couple making their way towards his bedroom.

You nodded and quickly followed his instructions. "Why don't you guys have locks on your doors?" You asked confused.

"I don't know... but after all the parties my brother has, I'm starting to think that I should invest in one." He muttered thoughtfully. After a few moments of silence, he suddenly spoke again, "Hey didn't you need to go to the bathroom?"

"Oh yeah." You mumbled shyly, "Where is it?"

He pointed to another door inside his room, "Just use my ensuite, it'll be easier." You nodded and excused yourself as you went.

When you returned, you just sat on his bed and watched him playing around with something on his computer, as he had his headphones back on as well.

You stayed silent for a minute before you asked, "What are you listening to?"

He didn't reply.

Obviously his music was too loud for him to hear you, but you still couldn't help but blush slightly from embarrassment.

You tapped on his shoulder causing him to turn around surprised and lower the volume. "What are you listening to?" You repeated the question from before.

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