Special Series: Bedroom Battle (Prologue)

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Jessica sighed to herself. It's been a while that her relationship with Susan changed... and not in a good way. They didn't fight or have any other problems. They are sharing a lot of moments together, laughs and tears. They love and make love. Their life had been simple as one couple could have ask for. But for Jessica there was something strange and that keeps bothering her.

Jessica gets up and went out on the balcony for morning smoke. She isn't the type of morning person, but this anxiety causing her to not sleep peacefully. Jessica leans back against the railing, light up a cigarette as she saw Susan walks into the entrance door with Penny.

"Why are you up so early?" 

Jessica took a deep breath before exhaling a smoke. She didn't answer and Susan didn't wait for it. She unleashes her dog, let Penny go to her own bowl in the kitchen as she follows.

"Coffee?" Susan asks again.

This time, Jessica put her cigarette in an ashtray, walks to the kitchen. She stop and standing behind her lover.

"Why are you so quiet?"

"I need to talk, Suze."

"Yes? We're talking." She mocking before turns her head backward. Jessica was there; crossing her arms, biting her lip, her eyes glued on the floor.

"Honey, What's wrong?" Susan was terrified. She moves closer to Jessica, wanted to hold her, soothe her. But Jessica steps backward so Susan stops, feels confused by Jessica's reaction. 

"No, Suze... I'm..." The younger woman rubbing her neck with hesitation.

"Jess, What's wrong?" Her voice was shaking.

"Suze... Nothing. I don't know... I just..." She took a deep breath. "I want to move back to my apartment..." She stops, swallowing her tear down her dry throat. "Just for a while."

"Ok..." Susan places her hands on her hips, in her eyes was no tears but pain. "Did I do something wrong? That's why you're rejecting me?"

"No, It wasn't about you." Susan's word hitting her so bad. So she sniffed before wiped her nose, leaving her eyes red and wet.

"So... can you tell me?" The redhead move forward, touching Jessica's cheek softly.

Jessica closes her eyes, feels the warmth of her lover's hand for a moment, but then she moves her head another way.

"I don't know, Suze. Something keeping bothering me." 

"What that about? Sam?" 

"No, it's not about him, it's me." Jessica shook her head, then put her hand on forehead. " I just feel like... my life with you was too good to be true, but in some point..."

"You're getting boring." Susan fills her sentence. 

"I haven't bored you. I never do." Jessica stares into Susan's eyes so she can feel that Jessica wouldn't lie to her. "I think it was our sex life."

"What?! Why? We... we often do that... a- and I though it was... great." Susan protests and her face went red just to think about it.

"Yes, every times. every single time." The blonde adds, The corner of her mouth turned up in a small smile.

"But... why?, Jess. Or you want to do it with another one?" 

"No, I never will. All I want is you, Suze. But I wanted more, more passion, more lust. Our lovemaking seems like a chore for both of us." Jessica vents. "I want us to feel like our first time when we exploring each other body, when we kiss and when we touch. Do you remember that?"

"Uh-huh... so you want us to separated for a while..." 

"Just to to bring back the passion." Jessica adds.

"Our passion." Susan said as walk closer to her partner kissing her goodbye. "I love you, Jess. I really don't want to do this." She whispers.

"It'll be alright." Jessica whispers back.

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