Chapter 28: Kisses and smooches 😘

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Hey, I really love this chapter. It's so fluffy it's ridiculous. Hope you enjoy it. 

Chapter 28

Charles point of view

I gasped as I woke up. I looked around in alarm. Where am I?! Why aren't I in my cell?! I was so blinded by my thoughts I didn't hear the heart monitor go off.

I heard the door burst open. I looked over to the door that hit the wall which possibly left a dent into it. Two nurses came in. It was Lizzy and Lilly. Lilly's hair was out of her normal tight bun it was now scattered and Lizzy had her hair in a ponytail.

They ran over to me. Lizzy on my right and Lilly on my left. Lizzy grabbed my wrist and looked into my eyes. I looked into Lizzy's eyes as Lilly checked my bags and vitals.

"Breath, Charles, breath." I tried breathing but I was still panicking.

"You are in the hospital. Today is Friday, it's 4:00 am, and you have been asleep for 3 days. I need you to calm down before you pass out," she put the hand that she wrapped hers around over my chest, "breath in and out." she told me.

I kept breathing in and out until I was calm. The heart monitor stopped beeping rapidly. I laid back down. Lilly and Lizzy stood at the end of my bed. They smiled at me. I smiled back confused. Their tails wagged with delight.

They looked at each other and smiled as they high-fived each other with a hard slap. I think that left their hands red.

"Charles you're slowly coming back!" Lilly cheered.

"Yeah, I guess so, I just need to talk to a person that I really hate to get this eye" I pointed at my right eye, "back to normal." I told him.

"Well, we are happy you are coming back to us. I need to page Dr.Brooklyn so he can look at chu but we will stay in here for moral support." Lizzy said.

Lizzy stepped away to the back of the room which wasn't too far away. Lilly went close to me and grabbed my hand. She smiled at me with an empathetic smile.

"You got this Charles." she said to me as she sat next to her mate.

As she sat next to Lizzy my mind started rushing. Where are my mates? Are they sleep?

I look over to Lizzy and Lilly. Lizzy was laying her head against her mate's shoulder as Lilly laid on her head. They looked so cute together. I wonder how they met. I make a mental note to ask them later.

"Hey, where are my mates at?" I ask curiously.

"Probably sleep but Dr.Brooklyn said her would leave a message for them. They were worried sick about you Charles. You could smell it in their scent." Lilly said to me.

"Oh, yeah, this guy came in. He had lavender hair." Lizzy said to me as she looked up from her phone.

"Oh, Shinsou. Good friend." I said to them.

Before they could say anything the doctor came in. He had a clipboard in his hands. He smelled like hand sanitizer. He put another thing of sanitizer on his hands which stunk up the room.

He walked over to me and smiled that I was awake. I smiled at him.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me as he got beside my bed busying himself with writing down my vitals on the clipboard.

"I'm doing pretty good, I just want to see my mates more than anything." I said to him.

I had to look at him from the side of his head because he wasn't looking at me. When he was done he looked at me with a slight smile.

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