Chapter 2-⭐The crush⭐

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Ponyboy's POV

We heard yelling and then someone came over to our table and grabbed my shoulder...

"Hey can I sit here?" phew it was Abigail. Something was off though. Her hair was all messy and her lipstick was gone from her lips.

"Hey you ok?" I asked. I was really worried. She seemed really off, but maybe she was just having a girl day or something weird.

"Yeah I'm fine?" she asked. Who doesn't know if they are ok or not?

"Yo Abigail are you sure your good?"

"You said that you were fine in a question." Both Viper and Johnny asked. Brenna and Ally stared at her even two-bit for Gods sake and He was drunk! I looked at her and grabbed her hand. She looked at me and we stared at each other for the longest time until we were interrupted.

"YO, douche bag get your hands off my girl!" It was a boy from Bob's gang, Randy. He grabbed Abigail's waist and pulled her away from me.

"Randy GET OFF ME!" Abigail yelled at the top of her lungs. She kept hitting him and was trying to get out of his grip but it was no use. I didn't know what to do so I got up and punched him square in the face.

Abigail's POV
"Randy GET OFF ME" I was yelling at the top of lungs trying to get free. I knew it was no use but I kept trying.

One minute ago randy trapped me and put a knife to my throat and said I had to be with him or he'll make me.
Of course I said no and didn't listen. He forced me to kiss him and I was yelling hoping someone would help me.

I got out of his grip and ran. I didn't know what to do so I ran towards ponyboy

The next thing I know I'm out of his grip and I looked down. He was knocked out and there was blood running down his nose. I look at ponyboy and there is blood on his knuckles.

He knocked him out!? Oh no. I was just frowning and went to Randy. Ponyboy looked at me and was so confused.

"Abigail are you alright? Why are you frowning?" he looked so sad

"Pony now I'm in danger. Once Randy wakes up he'll come for me and I don't know what he'll do to me. I'm so scared" tears started forming in my eyes and then next thing I knew I was crying.

Ponyboy came over and hugged me. He whispered in my ear "Everything will be ok if you are trouble just come to me" I just hugged him even tighter. I never wanted to let go I felt so safe in his arms but the bell rang.

I didn't go to any of my classes neither did ponyboy. We just waited until school was over and then we left.
522 words

HEY GUYS! Ok so that was my second chapter and I'm really excited about this story! Also just leave a vote! BYE!

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