Worried for Anthony...Part 1

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Warnings: None. Only fluff with a bit neurotic behavior, but is in third person, Steve's POV.

Summary: Steve is worried his fellow Avengers will find out about him and Tony's relationship, but goes to his closest friend for help
(in part 2)

Words: 1082

Steve laid comfortably in bed with his lover on this fine, crisp morning. No missions, no work, no pestering team mates, blabbing for them to get up, but just two people purely in love. They had only been together for a few months now, hidden from others suspiciousness quite perfectly, and Steve wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. But of course when you are dating a billionaire, word kinda will get out eventually. It is because Steve has always been gay. He's been gay from the very beginning-okay, yes, he did fall in love with Peggy but that was just an unexpected turn for him- and finds his innocent eyes scanning and checking out other men....preferably Tony Stark. He even questioned if he thought he loved Bucky in that type of way. But, surprisingly, it would come out to him as devoted friendship, kindled with a warm fire to keep it going. Despite all his past troubles, Steve is seriously only scared on the other Avengers finding out about him and Tony. Yes, times are different now and being gay isn't something that will get you killed on the spot, but Steve just has this pit feeling his friends won't except it....

"Steve?" Croaked the smaller man of the hour, who always kept Steve afloat at even the smallest thought of.

"Hey, did I wake you?" Steve cooed softly to his boyfriend, running delicate fingers through Tony's rustic brown hair.

"No," Tony replied while sitting up off of Steve's chest. "I've been awake, but could hear you thinking."

Steve raised one eyebrow.

"Hear me....thinking?" He laughed. "You can't hear that...."

"Yup, I sure can." Tony confidently states with a grin, sitting back a bit in Steve's lap after climbing into it.

Steve rolled his eyes, "Mmmmm....Okay. Whatever you say, Tone." He chuckled.

"But seriously, Steve, what has you worried?"

Steve turned his head slightly to the side, avoiding eye contact with Tony when he heard him. He did place his hands to the smaller man's waist to keep him from sliding off his thighs, but other than that, he didn't move.

"Nothing, Tony...I'm okay." He answered his lover softly.

Tony furrows his brows stubbornly and clearly wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer.

"Come on, you're better than that. And I know it's not just nothing. Spill it or I'll gut it out of you." Tony fake threatened, hoping to lift the glum look off of Steve's face.

Steve gave the most imperceptible smile, it could hardly be seen.

"Alright, alright...You don't need to promote violence. I'll tell you." He surrenders to his boyfriend, turning his head again to see him, and watched Tony's features light up expectantly for an answer.

Steve then confessed, "Im worried-No, I'm scarcely-terrified on what they will say about us once our relationship is out there." He admits.

Tony froze for a second and couldn't help but wrap both arms around Steve's neck, holding him protectively against his chest.

"Steve...." Tony whispers, running a hand through the blonde's hair. "They won't dare say anything negative, I promise you." He assured strongly.

Steve just shakes his head and breaths in Tony's scent from his chest, pushing his face deeper into the billionaire's pecs.

" No, Tony....you don't understand. They could reject us." He whined.

Tony pursed his lips. "Like our own friends would reject us for being in a gay relationship. They would never." He promised.

Steve still shook his head in the matter of not believing such a thing, holding Tony closer.

"You don't know that...they could easily just condemn us or better yet, shun our 'sinful' ways." He argued Tony. "They could-"

And Steve didn't have time to finish his sentence once Tony had spontaneously crashed their lips together to form a better union other than meaningless talk, having to lift Steve's head up.

"Tony..." Steve moans slightly, breathlessly taken aback by the love being poured, his hand caressing Tony's tan cheek while they kissed.

But Tony soon had to break the blissful kiss when both men needed to refill their lungs of precious air.

"Stone us? Beat us to a pulp and throw our dismembered bodies into a pit of nothing, but grief and sorrow to only leave us there? Stomp all over our hearts and try to convince us that being gay is an abomination?" Tony stuttered out quickly, almost too fast for Steve to even comprehend. But he could clearly see tears lining those beautiful-brown eyes...

Steve frowned and instantly brought his fingers under Tony's chin. "Hey." He whispers softly, placing a kiss to where a small tear fell from Tony's eyes. "There will be no stoning homos." He softly, yet in comfort, whispers to the love of his life, and even tried some humor to lighten the mood.

Tony laughed out a sob before he brought his hands up to wipe around his face. "You're such a, Sap." He teased.

Steve sighs, "And you're worried too." He redirected, clearly seeing that Tony has been bottling it up for awhile now.

Tony's shoulders slumped slightly but he just nodded, and knew Steve could read him flawlessly. "I am...." he confirmed. "I just...I've never been a gay relationship before and I'm just as scared, Steve."

Steve placed his hands on Steve's shoulders and pulls him up some to straighten his posture.

"Me either....Well, not as real as you're making it. I really love you, Anthony." He said with most honesty, taking Tony's worn hand into his much bigger one.

Tony looked up shortly after hearing him and broke out into a genuine smile, one that only surfaced when Steve said the, occasional, but most remarkable thing. "I love you too, Steven..." he said back, squeezing Steve's hand.

Steve gave Tony's hand a kiss to the back of it after bringing it to his lips, keeping it secured.

" We'll get through this, Tony....Together." Steve firmly decided, trying his best to push all his own nerves aside.

"Together...." Tony replied with a nod.

And he didn't have to say or hear anything else to know it would be alright....


Part 2 coming soon....

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