Pills N Potions

553 17 22

Warnings: ⚠️🚫Language, sexual antics, mature content, sexual references, smut, sexual frustrations ⚠️🚫

Summary: Tony slips a certain pill into Steves drink, as a prank/harmless joke(not really), on the morning of a meeting with Fury and the other Avengers. Little does Steve know, the pill changes his behavior in an erotic fashion and it's more effective on him because of his super serum ;)

Words: 3667

Additional info: A big thanks to Moonlight500 for the idea!


It was an awfully, terribly good idea to Tony Stark.

He currently stood in the Avengers Facility kitchen--at the front line of counter space--by the sink, grinding up a little blue, triangular shaped pill. It wasn't just any ordinary pill, it was a Viagra one.

     Behind him, a coffee pot is almost done brewing a fresh batch at the second counter strip where the oven/stovetop is located against the wall.

His devious little plan is to slip the mushed up pill contents into a mug full of coffee. He'll give the cup to Steve and let him drink it, and then watch the effects take over.

Sure. Steve will probably give him hell for it later, but right now, Tony thought it was a great plan. One: he has been horny, two: Steve hasn't and he really wants his boyfriend to let loose. It was all the missions to blame though. Steve got assigned so many back to back--thanks to Fury-- and it left the man super tired. He didn't want to do anything afterwards but sleep.
     Plus, today was the morning of another one of Fury's briefings where their director collects reports from everyone about missions they've completed. Tony is the only one who didn't have any missions to turn in because he's been recovering from a injury to his leg, but it's fully healed now. He's only going because Steve is, and to pursue his plan.

When the coffee pot goes off, Tony turns to the cupboards and he retrieved a simple ceramic mug. He sets it on the counter next to the pot and went to the fridge, getting creamer for the coffee.

Luckily, Tony's the only one up right now, but that's about to change....

Just as Tony poured in coffee into the mug, and added creamer, Steve enters the kitchen still looking tired as ever.

"Morning, Tone." Steve mumbles out through a yawn.

Tony froze. His hands carefully screw the cap back on the creamer bottle and he set it down on counter.

"Hey, Cap..." his eyes dart between Steve and the crushed pill contents in a small guacamole bowl by the sink.

Steve yawns again. "Man, I'm so not looking forward to this meeting. It's pointless, really. He should just let us turn the reports in to him personally and we go on with the rest of our day." 

Tony slowly nods his head in agreement and he started to walk toward the sink, making his steps as imperceptible as possible so Steve won't suspect anything right off the bat.

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