It's Been a Long, Long Time

363 17 6

Warnings: Nothing. It's clean and fluffy :)

Summary: After a 3 year mission, Steve finally returns home to his beloved husband, Tony.

Words: 1792


For 3 continuous years, Steve Rogers had been gone on a mission, leaving Tony alone all this time--with the exception of their dog, Dodger.
Neither man have had the luxury of visiting each other, when they oh so wish to see their husband's remarkable features again. But luckily, they could talk and text all they wanted when Steve had a free moment.

Tony didn't even know Steve was returning today as he stood at the sink in the kitchen of their lake side house, washing some dirty dishes. It was half passed 3, aka, the time Dodger would go to the window and wait for Steve. It was a indiscriminate time the pup chose to do so, even puzzling Tony why he did because the only specific time Dodger knew was 6 am when Steve would take their dog on his morning jog.

It was when Tony heard Dodger whimpering that he set down a cup he had dried, his eyes cutting to Dodger--who was far away--standing up on the couch and looking out the big window.

"I know...I miss him too, Bud," Tony says aloud to the sadden pup. "But he'll be here before we know it."
If only Tony knew right then, 'before we know it', was gonna be sooner than expected....

Dodger kept whining.

Tony sighs and he went over to the couch, leaving the kitchen. He sat next to Dodger and tilts his head somewhat to the side, his eyes studying the pup.

"Come on, Buddy. Don't get all sad, you'll make me sad," he explains softly, patting Dodger's back.

Dodger continues winning, laying his head on the top of the back of the couch, his tail wagging slowly.

"Shh, you're okay." Tony soothes, running his hand along Dodgers back and to his tail where he then playfully tugs it.

Dodger growled lowly and he suddenly sat down on his butt quickly, but only to spread his left leg out so he can clean himself.

Tony rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Gross," He teases and stood up onto his feet. "You wanna a treat? Maybe It'll keep your mind off him..."

Tony left to the kitchen again and he grabs a bag of soft treats from the pantry-- Dodger hated the hard stuff, unless you broke it up in kibble bites for him-- and he came back with the bag. He shakes it to get the pup's attention as he stared at him with a hopeful grin. "Dodge....want a treat??" He coos.

But instead of Dodger rushing over to Tony for treats, the pup tossed his head back and starts barking explosively, causing Tony to flinch.

"Hey, hey. What is it?" Tony asks nervously because Dodger was facing the window again. He feared maybe an intruder had come onto their property. He sets the bag of treats down on the counter and rushed to get a club from the living room closet.

"Shh!! Stop barking!! Hey, hey!" Tony whisper yells at the pup once he got the club and was now standing to the side of the window with the golf club raised up in the air.

Dodger still didn't stop barking, instead, he became louder.

"Dodger!" Tony scolds through gritted teeth.

Oneshots: All Things Stony(and more)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя