"I didn't want you to be alone"

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Warnings: Fluffff!

Summary: Steve and Tony get married! But...with no one to walk Tony down the aisle, Val (a new member to the team as of a couple weeks) notices that and steps in to take his arm. It's oddly right for her to do so--even if they hardly know each other--there's a strong connection between them, like a daughter would with her father.

POV: 3rd person.

Additional Info: Based off Rp I do with a long term friend :)

Words: 6075


It was July 4th, 2017.

Today happened to be more than just Independence Day: it was Steve Roger's birthday; most importantly, it was the day the two boyfriends would retire their current title and adopt the name husbands instead.

There was a little room in the back of the church with a square of hall space behind two doubles doors; inside it, Tony Stark stood in front of a body mirror, fixing the bowtie on his wedding suit.

The room itself held silence with not a soul present, but Tony. In all veracity, Tony hated it. He wished he had family and close friends back here with him before he stepped out and changed his life with his man at the end of aisle. But he wasn't Steve Rogers. Everyone held a friendship closer to Steve rather than Tony. Yeah, he had Bruce and Rhodey as his best buds, but Rhodey was wheelchair bound at the moment and Bruce was his best man. That left no one else who was truly close to Tony.

He took a deep breath, holdng it in for a moment before letting it out.

'Today's the big day," He thought to himself, finally done with messing with the bowtie on his suit.

His gaze lifted from the bowtie and soon met with the reflection of himself in the mirror. "How'd we get here, huh? Went from chicks and booze, to a couple ladies...to the man of my dreams. I don't deserve him, but yet here I am," he said to his reflection.

A knock on the door frame interrupted his thoughts/conversation with himself and he turned his head to see who it was.

"We're ready for you in 10," a female voice advised him.

It was Natasha.

Tony nods and he turned his head back to see himself in the mirror again; he could see Nat in the corner of the mirror, too.

"Alright. I'm ready...well, as ready as I can be." He chuckled.

"Hey, don't get cold feet now. We have hundreds expecting a wedding," Natasha teased in her flirty tone.

Rolling his eyes, Tony began chuckling. "And Steve at the end of the aisle." She finished, leaning her body into the door a bit.

"And Steve at the end of the aisle," Tony repeated, "Alright. You can return to Barnes. I'll be out in a second."

Natasha saluted Tony before slipping away just as quiet as she had came. She headed back to her seat next to Bucky and plopped down in it.

"Did he style his hair enough?" Bucky joked to his girlfriend with a chuckle as he leans into her, elbowing her playfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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