Worried for Anthony...Part 2

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Warnings: Not really (one small bad word towards the end) other than Steve being neurotic-which means overly worried.

Summary: Steve goes to Bucky for advice on how to come out about his relationship with Tony, and then eventually confesses to everyone in the end.

1191 words

It was about 2 days later-after Steve and Tony's little mini-freak out- and Steve happened to be currently sitting on his best friend's bed while the two chatted.

"Buck," Steve started out, trying to really catch his best friend's full attention as the brunette put clothes away- or, just him haphazardly throwing them into a draw and calling it done.

"This is serious and I would really appreciate your help." He informed urgently, causing Bucky to finally look up.

"Stevie, I don't see what the big deal is," Bucky chuckled to his friend, looking back to the pile of clothes he was tossing into drawers.  "I mean, all ya gotta do is say that you and Stark are an item. It's that simple; no strings attached." He explained.

Steve couldn't help but scoff as he gave Bucky a look, crossing his arms.

"And how would you know? You're not the one scared off your ass about being rejected by your own team, because I happen to be in a gay relationship." He spat gently, releasing a sigh.

Bucky only rolled his eyes at Steve's behavior.

"Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me, I'm being serious!" Steve exclaimed while throwing his hands into the air.

Bucky sighs this time and abandons the clothes he was putting away, standing up slowly.

"Okay, okay....calm down. But, do you really think your friends and family would disown you? Come on, Steven, we all love and adore everything about you. Nothing is going to change that." He reassured in comfort, going over to Steve and took a seat next to him on his own bed.

Steve turns his head and looked to his best friend next to him.

"I guess...I'm just so stressed about it, that it is practically eating me up on the inside." He complained.

Bucky smirked. "Oh, believe me, I can totally tell, and I'm sure the whole world could too."

"Shut up!" Steve groaned, falling back onto Bucky's bed. "You're supposed to be helping, not...making me feel..worse." he whined.

Bucky rolls his eyes again but watched Steve. "I'm just teasing, Stevie." He cooed.

"But honestly, you legitimately have nothing to worry about. Everyone will support and love your decision, even if it is with Stark." He assured firmly, giving Steve a few back taps.

Steve sorts slumped over slightly, placing his elbows on his thighs, and chin into his palms as he stared off.

"I just...don't...know...how to say it. Like, it's a very nerve wracking thing to admit too. The pressure will be on all me." He whispers softly with a strained facial expression.

"And pressure on Tony too..." Steve adds.

Bucky purses his lips and went into mid thought. "Then, I'll be your wing man." He offered happily.

"I'll be there to help guide and give you moral support. I promise it's not as bad as you are making it." Bucky assured, causing Steve to finally muster up courage.

Before Steve could answer, Bucky adds, "Cause...I'm with ya till the end of the line, Pal."

"Alright, alright...I'll face my fears." Steve decided quickly, giving his best friend a gentle smile.

"Till he end of the line..." Steve added as well more quietly.


And with that, Steve and Bucky then gathered all the Avengers in the living room- including Tony of course - and Steve prepared the announcement.

Tony quickly shot Steve a look as he was surprised that his boyfriend was ready to confess, but was still a bit worried himself. Either way, he was going to go with it because it wasn't healthy to worry this much for so long.

"Guys," Steve called out to the entire team, nodding for Tony to come over and stand with him, and Tony didn't hold back when he did. "We have an important...confession/announcement to draw your attention too." He explained and wraps an arm around Tony's shoulders, pulling him close; but also, he silently shared a look with Bucky to know it was going to be okay.

"Yes?" The whole team said or showed with their expressions, all leaning forward on their toes and seats, but weren't phased by Steve side- hugging Tony.

Steve took a deep breath but looked to Tony, who was short noted about this special event and was going with it as well. "Do you want to tell them or me?" He asked.

"I'll do it." Tony answered softly, placing a hand against Steve's toned chest, and Steve nodded.

Tony looks to their crowd and clears his throat, " Steve and I are...dating." he truthfully confessed.

A confused, surprised, not surprised, but overall, happy uproar then broke out as everyone was on their feet.

Clint spoke first.

"Woah, woah...Hold up. You and Steve....are....screwing around?" He stated kinda straight forward, not believing them.

"Yes." Steve confirmed for Tony, but cringed just as fast.

"Wait-what...no! Not that term. Just...dating..." he clarified and didn't like modern slang.

Clint rolled his eyes. "So you are a virgin." He snickered quietly but Natasha jabbed him in the side, and Steve sighs.

"What he's trying to say is, we accept it." Natasha corrected for Clint, already knowing how her best friend views in terms of homosexuality.

Steve and Tony both chuckle as they exchanged a look with each other, pleased to feel and hear how good it is to have others on their side.

"Thank you Nat, and Clint." Steve managed out with a smile as his heart was beating fast, and he looked out to see the others for their reactions.

"My dearest, Captain Rogers and Stark, I fully support your desires to engage in a said homosexual relationship! May peace and happiness bless you both." Thor boomed with his usual loud voice, smiling wide amongst the gays.

Tony snorts out a laugh. "Thanks, Point Break." He blushed and was really starting to feel the worry fade away into nothing, but joy, and Steve felt the same.

After a few moments of the team congratulating and giving their acceptance to the couple- Steve and Tony even sharing a few kisses infront of everyone- Sam suddenly put his hands up and brought the attention to him.

"Okay, okay...But on a serious note, who's the top and who's the bottom?" Sam asked seriously while doing a stopping gesture with his hands, sending everybody into a groaning frenzy.

"What!? I'm being serious...." Sam defends. "Ya know, both got an ass and both got a dick-"

"SAM!!!" Everyone yelled.


From that moment forward, Steve and Tony both knew it was going to be okay within the team.

Jokes and all.


That's the end of part 2!

Sorry if it was a bit rushed, but I really tried :)

Feel free to leave any suggestions for me to write!

I am open to anything!

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