"Just another day"

439 15 11

Warnings: None, other than Langauge :)

Summary: Just another day...Tony and Steve do what they do everyday, but a new guest interrupts their life and makes it even better. Plus, they live in a normal house in a normal neighborhood too.

Word count: 1481

Ps: "Just another day" is a song by Paul McCartney for those wondering why it's in parenthesis.


There was a plain red clock that sat completely stationary upon the night stand by the bed.

It read 5:35 am.

At this time, it was just another day for Steve Rogers.

He got up, rubs under his eyes, peels the covers back, kisses Tony's forehead(if he was in the bed and not in the lab) and pull himself out of bed to face the new day.

After stretching his once sedate body and was sure he got all the aches out, Steve heads for the closet so he can get his running wear. He changed into the worn set of clothes, battered with age, and smooth it down before heading out of the door for the stairs.

Now in the kitchen, Steve makes himself a protein shake for a pre-workout sustenance that'll keep him nourished for that period of time.

He shakes up the concoction now while spinning about in place, jumping even as well, so he got more rejuvenated to exercise. Steve knew he probably looks entirely ludicrous for doing his little "work-out dance" but he didn't care one bit.

"Just another day...," Steve muttered to himself in a nonchalant sigh, as he stopped the jumping, "Time to run." He whispered before making way for the door.

Outside, the morning air was crisp in a freeze, and luckily, the cold never bothered Steve; he went right out the door wearing a tank top and shorts. He then skips down the steps of the porch and shielded his eyes from the sun's sparkle that reflected off the freshly fallen snow, which had came down over night.
He walks further down until he's at the end of the drive way and saw the neighborhood was completely devoid of human life; only snow and some squirrels running about.

"Man, I guess it's just me this morning." Steve chuckled to himself as he said the same thing every morning, because he was really the only one who ever jogged on their street. He proceeds to his morning activity and was soon enough, jogging at a steady pace on the proverbial path that he and Tony have made popular with their steps every day.

That red clock now read 6:08 am on the husband's nightstand. Surprisingly, Tony actually got up and dressed.

Meanwhile, Steve didn't know Tony actually brought himself to wake up for once as he kept jogging. He held his head up high, and body poised to keep himself going for how however long he could.

But, to his surprise, Tony came flying in his Iron Man suit and landed right infront of him, startling the blonde.

"Gah!! Tony!!" Steve yelled as he fell backwards, his heart literally skipping a beat.but Tony grabs Steves wrist so he didn't.

Tony giggles out, "Sorry, I only wanted to catch up to you, and my suit was the fastest way. " He explained.

Steve let out a soft sigh and he relaxed on his heels, smiling at his husband nether the less. "Its okay...just, don't scare me like that again." He teased and pokes Tony in the side.

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