"A...daughter?" Part 2

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Warnings: Langauge.

Summary: Now that Tony is left with Val, he has to wait for Steve to come home. His only worry at the moment, the time when Steve actually arrives so he can spill the news.

Word count: 1354


It was approximately 30 minutes after Tammy left the Stark-Rogers residence, and Tony was freaking out on the inside.
He didn't know what to talk about with a 5 year old kid that just so happens to share his DNA. It made him super anxious knowing everything he did now would affect Val, and he was eager to set a good example.
The last thing he wanted was to be his father's image; a man who only worked and paid little attention to his own kid.

"Alright, uh...are you hungry?" Tony asked Val as he was standing by the couch with his hands on his hips, watching her scribble nonsense onto a sheet of notebook paper with a red pen; he didn't have crayons/ colored pencils or proper coloring papers.

Val looks up at Tony and she stopped drawing. "I had the smoothie." She reminded him before pointing to the coffee table with an empty glass and straw in it.

Tony shrugs his shoulders, "Fair enough." He said and it was honestly the same answer he would have given Steve whenever his husband catches him not eating proper meals when the Captain is away.

"Um...What are you drawing?" Tony then asked Val, motioning to her mess on the piece of paper. He watches her stick her tongue out in concentration just like he does in the lab while working.

Val giggled and she leans forward a bit over the lap desk she used to press on to draw. "A doggie." She answered simply, not letting Tony see it from where she sat on the couch.

Tony raised an eyebrow and he crossed both arms, trying to peer over and see Val's drawing. " What kind of doggie?" He asks her softly.

"A poodle!" Val exclaimed as she unexpectedly popped up onto her feet, holding the piece of paper up for Tony to see a fluff-ball with legs she called a poodle.

Tony couldn't help but laugh and he took a step back, "It's...an interesting poodle." He whispers, watching her hop off the couch and scurry into the kitchen.

"Hey, where are you going?!" Tony calls after Val as he jogged a little. He stops and saw the little girl was using one of his fridge magnets to stick her picture with onto its metal surface.

Val turns around once pleased with her work and yells, "I make your fridge pretty!"

Tony sheepishly smiled and nods at her, actually finding what she did to be adorable. "Thank you...my fridge loves it." He assured but Val was already zipping back to the living room where her blue backpack was. He watches her pull out a stuffed cat and swan and the energetic 5 year old ran to the couch again.

"Hey, be careful...I don't want you running into things." Tony suddenly blurted out as he walks over to Val, who made herself comfortable on the couch.

"Sorry..." She giggled shyly.

Tony takes a seat on the coffee table that's across from the couch, and he looks down at Val. He was going to say something but Val beat him to it.

"Oooo! You married!?!" Val gasped before she sat up excitedly, pointing at the ring on Tony's finger. "Who your wife??" She curiously asked him.

Tony madly blushed and he felt his cheeks turn a bright red. "I don't have a wife...I have a husband." He corrects her, leaning over and he booped her nose. He figured after her quick assumption that she wasn't familiar with homosexuality; but by the look on her face, she seemed more than okay with it.

"Ooooo....that mean you with man?" Val said while cocking her head to the side cutely.

Tony chuckled and he nods his head while he ran a hand through the fluffy top of his hair, "Yeah, It does. His name is Steve, he's my husband." He told her gently.

Val grinned and she matter-of-factly knew what gay meant, which took Tony by surprise. "Where is you husbanad?" She asks and then looks around the room as if searching for Steve.

"He's at work. I don't know when he'll be home." Tony explained but little did he know, Steve was actually on his way home now as they speak.

Val let out a huff of defeat as she really wanted to meet this Steve guy now, especially since he's going to be her step-father....She hopes.

Tony laughed and he got off the coffee table before sitting next to Val on the couch. "You'll love him, I'm sure. We just gotta wait for him to come home." He whispers, Val leaning over and she rests her head onto Tony's arm, causing him to freeze.

"Otay....is that why we do nothing?" Val asks while she let out an exhausted yawn.

Tony nods and he stared at the little girl trying not to fall asleep next to him, but he cleared his throat. "Yeah...it's why we do nothing." He confirmed.

He didn't know what to do at this point other than wait for his husband and hope Steve didn't show up the next day, cause thats when Tammy and her hideous mom-van is supposed to return again.
The more Tony kept scrutinizing Val, or studying her every move, he began to see himself in her. It was still baffling and a shock he even had a daughter! He absolutely should have gotten told way before hand. Maybe Alyssa had a good explanation, but he would never know considering she's dead now. Even that thought was painful once he let that sink in fully now....

"I tired...." Val's small voice whispers to Tony, interrupting his thoughts.

Shit, he had no where for Val to sleep....

Tony stood up again and he turns to Val, offering her his hand just out of the blue. "Come on, you can sleep in my bed." He whispers.

About 15 minutes later, Tony was tucking Val in his and Steves bed as he pulled the covers over her body.

"You comfy?" He asks, taking a step back afterwards.

Val nods, "Ya." She giggled and nuzzled into the warm comforter.

"Alrighty then. I'm going back to the living room. Hollar if you need me." Tony said and he exited the bedroom as he walks down the hallway toward the stairwell, Val just nodding.

"Tony!!! I'm home early, Babe!" A voice unexpectedly called for Tony, and resulted in him nearly missing the last step down the stairs as he was making way.

"Oh, boy..." Tony mumbled to himself as he is nervous on Steve finding out about Val.

Steve came around the corner from the foyer and he saw Tony in the living room. "Hey, Tone. I'm early." He cooed with a wide grin.

Tony wasn't going to lie; he was freaking out on the inside. Yeah, he and Val were basically waiting for Steve to come home anyways, but he didn't think his husband would get off early.

"Oh! Yeah...that's awesome! I'm glad...Ive been bored all day." Tony said in a wavered tone, one that clearly showed he was hiding something.

Steve furrowed his brows when he noticed how off Tony seemed, his arms crossing over the other. "Doll, what did you do...?" He asks seriously, using that certain pitch you use when interrogating a guilty child.

Tony decided there isn't going to be a better way on saying it, so he just blurted it out.

"Child services came by earlier and brought me a kid, my kid."

Steve's eyes widen and he stared at Tony in deliberate surprise as he was dumbfounded, his mouth gaping open. "You're....what?...kid? Hold up-"

Tony forced a cheesy smile and he cut Steve off by saying,

"I'm a daddy."


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