☼twenty eight☼

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My suitcase stood beside me, the autumn air blowing through my hair and clothes while I looked out to the grassy field that stood in front of my house. My parents stood beside me as well, telling me of stories of their first day of university and how stressed they were but how carefree the day actually turned out to be.

The weeks had passed, even months had passed, and Oliver was long gone, but not without the promise of his return. A week after Lisa left, it was Oliver's turn. I in front of him cried this time, he even shed a tear or two. My chest ached for his touch for a while, and it still did occasionally. I felt like saying goodbye wasn't the hardest part of his departure but instead, the void in my heart when he was gone. I had to live without him for a while and try to fill the void but whether I liked it or not, I could never find another to fill it, it had to be Oliver.

When my cab arrived I looked over to my parents. I never appreciated them enough, at least I didn't think I did. In that quick glance I realized how loving they were, how lucky I really was. How right oliver was when he told me "you have amazing parents". I had such little time to express my gratitude for how excepting they always were, and the amazing way they brought me up. So many emotions flooded my mind so instead of smiling and hugging them before hopping into the cab and looking forward to the exciting experience of university, I cried.

I didn't even touch them, I just cried in front of them before they embraced me and cooed sweet encouraging words in my ear while I sobbed for no apparent reason.

When I calmed down I looked at my parents, knowing I looked like a wreck. I tried to muster a smile, but I know it just looked awkward, "I love you both so much, thank you for everything," I hugged them one last time.

"Oh my darling," my mother cupped my cheek, "you are our everything, never forget that," she kissed my cheek, "now go before I cry again. We'll come visit!"

I smiled at them both once more, then I walked to my cab. I felt as though I was going in slow motion, I could feel my body move further and further away from my home but I felt like I actually stayed there, in some weird way. Like I didn't actually leave, a part of me was still there, sitting up there in my room waiting for our next summer guest to arrive in a few months.

I remember my days before Oliver, but like I said before, I never really felt what living was like until I met him. I did the same things every week and saw the same people. I did nothing new, but when I met oliver, it all changed. My perspective on life changed. My entire life changed. I tried things I had never done before, felt new things, I became a new person, a better person.

I remember the day before Oliver actually arrived. I woke up at around the time he would have been boarding his flight. That whole day I felt empty, I didn't know why and I was even planning on telling my mother I felt sick if the feeling continued. But I did what I did every time a summer guest came around that day, I started to clear out my room. The day in general was normal other than the feeling in my chest. I woke up next morning and dreaded having to give up my room to some stranger and decided to invite Marzia to keep my mind off the arrival of this American man my father told me was called Oliver. What kind of name is Oliver? He was probably a loud snorer, that would keep me up seeing the walls are paper thin. He probably eats a lot, most American people do. I wonder how he dresses? He is a student, he's probably poor, so I bet on a white, stained t-shirts and drugstore shorts. And I bet his communication skills are way off, it's going to be funny to see him try and speak Italian to some of the locals.

How wrong my assumptions were.

My love for him was overwhelming, it weighed me down and my chest felt heavy when he would enter a room. His smell intoxicated me to the point I went into his room with the soul intention on smelling some piece of clothing of his, which ended up being his shorts. His voice bellowed through the halls and rang in the heavens while angels sung to the syllables that danced off his tongue. My stomach twisted when he would touch another, but when he touched me, by body became on fire, where he touched left sparks and longing. My body craved him from day one. I mistook when I felt for lust, that I was just horny and wanted someone to bang, so I choose the hot American man. But no, I fell in love with him. I fell in love with his curves and his crevices. I feel I love with his voice and his demeanor.

I wanted him in the bluntest way. I wanted his lips, his hands, his arms. I wanted him the way the ocean wanted the shore, constantly reaching and running back. I wanted him the way the rain wants to fall, the way the sun wants to shine, the way words want to be read. I wanted in to infinity, to the millionth degree.

He had eyes like rain and hair like waves and a soul as vast and deep as the ocean. And I guess I didn't mind drowning in him.

We arrived at the small airport that Oliver was dropped off at a few weeks ago. I wondered if I stood in the same place he did when he stepped out of his cab. I looked up at the sky and sighed at the sight of the blue sky. I envied myself, I envied when all I did was write on a sheet of music, I envied when all I had to worry about was getting home on time from a party, I envied what I would be doing today 2 years ago, sitting and working on something for school, looking out my window while my parents sat below me reading the papers; I wouldn't be worried about anything or anyone.

I grabbed my suitcases from the back of the cab and thanked the driver before giving him a tip for my ride. I rolled my suitcase and slung my carryon behind my back and headed towards the door of the airport.

Yee yee

Super time jump but the book is almost over I'm pretty sure. Idk it might not be, Ive never really known what was going to happen in this book lol. I legit plan the chapters while I'm writing them, I do not plan ahead.

Okay that's it, <33


I am his, and he his mine • cmbyn (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now