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Today, I finally got released to go back home. Jake picked me up and stayed over my house to hang out. "Hey, have you talked to Sabrina yet?" He asked, biting on to his lower lip nervously.

"Not yet. Sarah said that she was grounded or something. Why?"

"No reason. Just asking."

"Hey Jake, want to know something amazing?!"


"I remember everything now!"

"Everything?!" I nodded with a big smile on my face. He embraced me in a tight hug. "I'm happy for you!"

"Thanks. I wanted to tell Sabrina, but she won't answer any of my calls and messages. Do you want to come with me over there?"

"I would, but I told my mom that I would babysit my siblings. So I gotta go, bye." He said, and left quickly.

I shrugged it off and walked to Sabrina's house. I knocked on the door 3 times and at first there wasn't a sound from the inside. I knocked again and then Sarah answered.

"Hi Sarah. Is Sabrina home?" I asked.

"She's in her room, but like I said she's grounded."

"I have something I need to tell her though."

"Fine. Come in." I went into Sabrina's room, to see that she was staring out the window with her songbook in front of her.

"Hi." I said, gaining her attention.

She gave me a small smile. "Hey." She said, her eyes lighting up.

"So, grounded?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yep. It sucks."

"But you're almost 20. How exactly would you get grounded?" I laughed lightly at the situation.

"She said 'you're not too young to get grounded until you're 21'. So here we are." She quoted Sarah and rolled her eyes.

"What did you do?" I asked.

She pursed her lips and furrowed her eyebrows, deep in thought. Finally, she answered me.

"Made a bad decision with one of my friends. She found out and... she wasn't happy to say the least." She said, putting her don't book to the other side of her. "What are you doing here anyway?" She changed the subject.

"I wanted to tell you that I got my memory back!" I said.

"Oh! That's, um, g-great, Love." She said, trying to sound happy but I could tell she wasn't.

"What's wrong? I thought you would be the happiest about it."

"Are you mad at me?" She asked immediately.

"No. Why would I be?" I asked.

"Because you lost your memory for a couple months because of me."

"That wasn't your fault. I tripped over a rock and hit my head on a tree." She nodded and looked down.

"Wait, have you been blaming yourself this whole time?" She slowly nodded, her blonde hair covering her face.

"Bri, it wasn't your fault."

"But I'm the reason you went into the woods in the first place. You just wanted to talk, but I was just too scared to."

"Actually I went into the woods because I had flashbacks of Matt, not because of what you did. And why would you be scared to talk to me?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Are you sure you got your full memory back?" She asked.

"Yes. I meant, why were you too scared to tell me about the marks on your arms. I'm your girlfriend. You shouldn't feel like you can't talk to me about something." I said and sat down next to her on her bed.

She grabbed my hand and held on, putting our hands on her lap. "I know that. It's just sometimes I feel that I have to keep some things to myself. I don't want to stress anyone out and people to start leaving me."

"No one's going to leave you. And if they do, then they probably weren't meant to be in your life." I said. "It doesn't mean that if they leave it's a bad thing. It just opens new things for you. New opportunities that you probably wouldn't have been gotten if they hadn't let go."

"I did something, something that you might be mad at me for. Our, your friends are mad at me for doing it, but I want to tell you."

"Go ahead."

"I confronted Matt a-and I blacked out. When I came to, my friends said that I tried to kill him. I thought he was dead because he was completely unconscious, but he was still breathing. Jake got mad at me and said," She took a breath before continuing, "he said that I was far from a normal person and if I don't learn to control my anger, people would start to run away from me."

"I'm trying to control myself, I really am, but when I get stressed out or if things get too overwhelming, I just can't do it." She said, her eyes watery and red.

"I'm not mad at you. I understand why you did it. I'm not exactly happy that you almost literally murdered someone, honestly I don't know what I'm feeling right now when it comes to that but I'm not upset with you." I replied, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear that fell in her face.

"Okay." She spoke softly, nodding her head and finally making eye contact with me.

"My blue eyed queen." I lightly kissed the top of her head and then pulled away. "I love you, Sabrina." The slightly older girl blushed a little.

"Are you okay now?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay." She said, and grabbed my face with both hands and lightly kissed me. "More than okay." She was about to kiss me  again, but a loud air horn sounded and made us us jump.

"What the f- SARAH!" Sabrina yelled, looking to see her older sister with her arms crossed. Sarah dragged me out of the house and onto the porch.

"She's still grounded. Goodbye Y/N. We'll talk to you in a week, when she's no longer grounded." She said, and closed the door in my face.

I scoffed and laughed before walking back to my house.

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