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"Sabrina, with all due respect, you need to go to sleep." I said to the clearly exhausted girl who I was face timing.

"Y/N, with all due respect, you need to focus on your show right now." Sabrina countered back and laughed. "Seriously, isn't your show about to start?"

"Babygirl, get some rest, please. You look exhausted." I tried to reason with her and she shook her head.

"I don't want to. I got songs to finish and I'm about to hangout with the cast members of Work It, and I don't want to cancel on them." She explained and smiled, "After a cup of coffee or two, I'll be fine."

"You slept more than twenty-four hours ago. Sabrina, you have to-" The singer rolled her eyes at me and cut off my sentence.

"I don't have to go to sleep right now." She exclaimed, clearly annoyed.

"You're right. You don't have to, but you know you need to sleep. Besides, you'll most likely won't rest at all today if you don't do it now."

"Y/N, do me a favor." I nodded and Bri continued. "Focus on your shows, your tour, yourself, and not on me. Just butt out." She sighed and ran her fingers through her mane of blonde hair.

"You're so stubborn. Sabrina, please." I tried again and she glared at me.

"Butt out!" She exclaimed, now mad, and hanged up on me. I scoffed and then got ready to go on stage, so I could still have some sort of positive vibe without letting my mind get negative.


"This isn't good, this isn't good." I started pacing at the back of the tour bus. I got my phone out and messaged my girlfriend.

Y/N: Sabrina. Are you busy?


After about five minutes she responded back to me.

Brina: Um, kind of. Why? Is something wrong?

I didn't answer. My vision started to dim. My heart started accelerating and my palms got sweaty. My chest started riding and falling as I was panting. I dropped to my knees, coughing.

I can't be having an panic attack right now! Especially not here. Breathe, Y/N. Calm down and focus on your breathing.

"Y/N, where are you?" A familiar voice to belonged to my friend, Billie, called out. Tears started talking from eyes and my body started shaking. A blurry figure came to me and quickly leaned down to help me.

"Shhh, Y/N. It's okay, you're okay." She rubbed my back to try to calm me down and then she started singing to me. I managed to air into me again and my breathing soon went back to normal and she kept singing until I was fully calmed down. I wiped the tears that fell out my eyes  off my face.

"T-thanks." I said, looking down. She ruffled my hair and I looked at the dark-haired girl.
She slightly smiled and said, "It's no problem, Honey. Now, what happened to cause that panic attack?"

"Um, well, it was nothing really." She cocked an eyebrow up and pursed her lips. She didn't believe me and I knew that she wouldn't. I didn't know how she could even tell, given the fact that we've been friends for less than a year.

She somehow saw through my lies. I don't know how, but Jake, Rowan, her, and Sabrina could tell if something was wrong. Speaking of Sabrina...

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