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Sabrina's POV

"Ahh!" I let out a high pitched scream as I woke up sweating and clinging onto the white blankets.

"Bee, are you okay?" Sarah asked as she ran into my room. "You screamed like someone was murdering you."

I couldn't stop shaking and I covered my face with my hands. "W-where i-i-is she?" I looked back up and she had a sympathetic smile painted across her face.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know." She said. "When was the last time you talked to her?"

"About a week ago, but maybe longer."

"Then why are you freaking out? You've gone longer without talking to her." She chuckled.

"I know that! It's just... something seems off and I can't stay calm if I don't know if she's okay!" I snapped at her.

"Okay, calm down." She said. "I'm sure she's fine. If you're that worried about her, then go to her house."

"Don't you think I tried? Every time I did she would either not answer or she kicks me out."

"Well, you'll see her today. Or did you forget about today?" She asked, and I was puzzled until I remembered the movie that Y/N and I had to start on. Wait...

"Set!" I exclaimed and jumped out of bed and rushed to put my clothes and shoes on. I drove myself to work and ran inside the building. But of course, me being well me, I bumped into someone. We ended up falling to the ground and the person I bumped into groaned.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to- y/n?" I looked down to face the person under me, to notice that it was indeed my girlfriend.

"Yep, it's me." She spoke calmly. Her hair was in a messy bun and her script had slipped out of her hands and landed on her face. She huffed, making the papers fly up, just to land right where they were previously. She sighed and then pouted.

I stifled a laugh, and then remembered that I was still on top of her. I got up and grabbed the script, and then grabbed her hand to pull her up.

"Thanks, Sabrina." She said as I handed her the papers back. She sent a small smile before walking away to her dressing room.

"Wait!" I called after her and she stopped and turned around.

"Yes, Sabrina?" She asked, once again using my full first name.

"Bearbear, I just wanted to say to-" "Where have you been? We have to get you into hair and makeup pronto!" The makeup artist and hair stylist pulled me away, cutting off my conversation with Y/N.

As I was being dragged away, I saw Y/N take a deep breath and shake her head before turning on her heel and heading back to her initial destination.

"Okay, let's start with the third scene. Y/N, you'll be talking to your friend and Sabrina, well you're a professional so you know where to start. Y/N, if you need a couple minutes before this-" The director started, but was cut off.

"Give her a little credit. She'll be fine, won't you, Y/N?" Her manager said with somewhat of an annoyed tone as she looked at Y/N.

"Right. I-I'll be fine." The now-brunette girl responded, closing the script that she had been studying for what seemed like hours.

"Okay then, guys. Take your places everyone!" Everyone took their places in the fake hallway as I leaned on a locker, not too far from the one Y/N was positioned at. "Action!"

"Hey, are you still coming to that party  that Jade's hosting? It's supposed to be a total rager!" An extra, Andre, said as 'Aribelle' opened her locker to put up her books.

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