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"I don't wanna," Y/N exclaimed as I tried to pull her off the bed. "And you can't make me so, pfffft! Tough!" She stuck her tongue out at me. She's been trying her best not to get out of bed so now she holding onto it and I've been trying to pull her off but to no avail.

"Why are you acting like a child? Just get up, so we can go. You're going to get fired if you don't. Plus, everyone is looking forward to seeing you in that movie." She still wasn't letting go of the handles. "I'll get you ice cream later and we can go to the movie theater and see whatever movie you want."

She sighed and let go of the bed. "Ugh, fine."

"Good. Now get dressed." She shrugged and took off her shirt. "Pervert. Watching me get undressed. Tsk, tsk, tsk." My face heated up with embarrassment and she laughed as I quickly turned around.

"I'm just kidding." She giggled and when I turned back around, she was fully dressed in different clothes. We had some of our clothes at each other's houses just in case we wanted to sleep together.

But not like you know, sleep together . Sleepovers, is what I meant.

"Are you feeling better today?" She shrugged in response to my question.

"Not really, but I'll be okay. Don't worry about me." She said as she stood up, ready to go. "Come on, we're going to be late."

"Well if you had just got out of bed the first time, we wouldn't have to be rushing." I said and she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." She scruntched up her nose cutely. "Let's go."


"Last scene of the day! Scene 13! Action!" The director yelled. This scene was the one that I was worried about most. I don't know if this going to hit to close to home for her and I'm scared that she'll have a panic attack again.

I instantly got in character, trying to push away my emotions and worries like the director told me to be. I had to stay in the restroom stall as Y/N's character walked in.

'Aribelle' was looking in the mirror and splashed water on her face a couple times and then three girls walked into the restroom after she had walked into the stall.

"Have you heard about Aribelle and what happened at that party?" One of the girls said in disgust. "She was so quiet so I didn't think that she could be so dirty."

"I did. I knew that quiet girl wasn't innocent. Trying to steal everyone's boyfriend. Trying to still mine."

"She's such a whore."

"Thot." Two girls said in unison.

"And so worthless. I'm surprised that anyone would ever love her."

"I'm surprised that people like her. Like really? Does she really think that she could ever be enough for my boyfriend?"

"Or for anyone really? Look at her!" They bursted into laughter and then collectively laughed.

"Okay, let's go." They left still laughing. Y/N came out of the stall, the door opening with a slow creak. She stared into the mirror with tears filling her eyes, threatening to fall.

I came out of the stall and her eyes instantly locked with mine. "If you're going to say the same thing to, don't bother, Jade. I already know."  The tears fell freely down her cheeks and I instantly wanted to hold her in my arms and tell  her about how beautiful and perfect she is. But I held back from doing so.

She walked out of the bathroom before I could answer, the door closing rather loudly. I sighed and walked out after her.

"And cut!" The director yelled and I snapped out of character. "That was great everyone! Now, everyone change and go home. We'll pick this up tomorrow."

I changed clothes and met Y/N in her dressing room. She was changed into her previous clothes and was laying down on the sofa in there with her eyes staring at the ceiling.

"Hey." I said and she turned her head to me with a small smile.

"Hi." She responded and sat up.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried about if that last scene might have triggered her like I had thought.

"I'm..." She thought for a second and then smiled, "fine. I'm actually okay."

"Really?" I asked.


"Good, because when you were crying, I instantly felt an urge to hold you." I responded honestly.

She giggled. "Well thank you for caring about me, but that's how I have act in this movie."

"I know." I answered back while nodding.

"Now, I do believe that you promised me ice cream and a movie." She said and I laughed, shaking my head.

"Oh, right. Let's go then." We left hand in hand.

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