I'm Ready

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"Wait, so you got grounded because you smoked weed?" I asked Sabrina, raising my eyebrows at her.

"Yep." She said, crossing her legs in the chair she was seated in across from me.

"And how exactly did you even get weed? And how did you get home?" I questioned.

"I got it from a friend of mine and after, he drove me home."


She nodded. "Yeah."

"Oh." I pretended to be jealous, seeing how she would react.

It seemed to have worked because the blue eyed beauty pouted at me. "Wait, Y/N. Don't be like that. You do know that-"

"No, no. It's cool." I shrugged it off, holding back any sign of amusement.

She put down her phone and sat on my lap, straddling me. "Y/N."

"Sabrina." I responded back. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I only love you Y/N. He is just a friend. You're my girlfriend." She said and kissed my lips tenderly.

"I know. I was just acting." I laughed, which got me hit by a pillow. "That's not funny." She said.

"Oh, but it is. I just wanted to see your reaction. Good thing too, because I got a kiss."

"And you won't be getting another one." She said, jumping off of my lap.

"But I have news for you. And you're going to be happy."

"No I won't." She responded bluntly, smirking.

"Fine then. I just won't tell you then." I said as I started to change clothes. She started whistling when I took my shirt off.

"Very mature." I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Is it heavy to walk? You know, because of how big your chest is?" She asked, staring at my chest.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"No." She giggled.

I was about to but on my shirt, but she stopped me. "Wait before you put on your shirt, I want to do something. Lay down for me please?"

"Where and why?" I asked, confused.

"On your bed. Trust me." She said. I did as I was told and laid on my stomach. There was a sudden weight on my back and then something cold hit my back. I flinched, but Sabrina just leaned down and placed a kiss on my neck.

"You have a great body, you know. Like you could be a model if you wanted to." She said.

"Thanks." I said. "What exactly are you doing anyway?"

"Drawing something. Now flip over to lay on your stomach." She got up and hovered over me as I turned around.

"Close your eyes for me, please." I closed my eyes and she drew something on my stomach then my arm that I had a bandage from ice skating on.

"Sabrina, are you almost done? I have to be somewhere in a couple minutes." I said.

"Shh... Okay now I'm done. Don't look in the mirror. Just put your shirt on." She said and stood up. I quickly finished getting dressed and was about to leave, but she grabbed my wrist.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I um, have to go meet up with s-someone today. Bye." I said, escaping her grasp and I rushed went to the music studio.

"We thought you died after you announced that you were taking a break from music." Shawn said when I entered the building.

"No. There's just been a lot going on... But I'm here now and that's all that matters." I said, mustering a smile.

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