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"Cuddle?" Sabrina asked, holding up one of her arms. I looked up from my computer and glanced behind me. Her hair was in a messy bun with a few stands in front of her face. She gave me puppy dog eyes and pouted. "Please?"

"Of course." I answered, and a beautiful smile shined from her. I closed the computer and laid down next to the blonde woman, snuggling into her. Her arms wrapped around me, her cold hands making me flinch slightly. I quickly warmed up though as I put one arm around her, holding her close.

"I missed you." She said quietly, looking up at me.

"I missed you, too. I'm here now though, so I can spoil you in love and affection." She giggled and sighed.

"That would be amazing." She started. "How long are you staying though?"

"How long do you want me to stay?" I asked and she mumbled, "Forever, but I know you can't stay that long. So, how long can you stay?"

"They let me take a break so two weeks. As long as I work on new songs." I answered, frowning slightly but smiling after she leaned up and kissed my cheek. "It's okay. As long as you're here right now, then I'm okay. Plus, the movie is almost done so I'll be going back home with you in three days. Now, give me kisses?"

I grabbed the older girl's hip, pulling her in closer to me. Tucking some loose strands of hair out of her face, I slowly leaned in as I fluttered my eyes closed. I soon met soft lips and Sabrina's lips moved in sync against my own.

I still got that feeling that I could never explain. Maybe it's just love, but it's more intense and deeper. The only person who makes me feel like this is Sabrina and no other positive feeling can compare to the one I feel right now.

We pulled away for air, neither one of us saying anything as there wasn't a need for it. Gazing into each other's eyes was enough.

"I love you." She broke the silence with her soft voice. "I love you so much."

I smiled and gave her a soft kiss before pulling away. "I know. I love you, too, Sabrina. I always have and I always will."

"So, what's the plan today?" She asked.

"I don't know. Do you want to go out for breakfast or stay in bed?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I'm not hungry right now. Maybe later." I reached over and grabbed my phone to check the time.

8:37 am.

"Okay. So, what now?"

"Has anything happened since I saw you last?"

"Well, nothing bad happened. I had shows, not many anxiety or panic attacks, my manager wants me to fake date Shawn, Christmas shopping, and yeah that's about it." I answered casually.

"That's cool- wait what about Shawn?"

"They want me to fake date Shawn, even though everyone knows that I'm dating you, for publicity." I explained. "Which I doubt anyone would believe, but hey, I don't really have a choice."

"Did you tell your manager that you didn't want to?"

"Of course, but.. she just kept trying to get me to agree." I said, sighing. "But, I'm fine so I guess it's okay. I know and you know that I love you."

"I know. I get it, Y/n, so it's okay." She said, reassuringly as she gave me a kiss.

"Besides that, I've also been thinking about getting another tattoo." I changed the subject.

"You already have one?" I mentally face palmed myself. Every time that I wear crop tops or anything that shows my back, I put makeup on to cover any markings including my tattoo.

"Yeah..." I trailed off. She sat up and leaned her head on the wooden headboard.

"Where? What is it? When did you get one? How come I've never saw it? Can I see?" She asked more questions than that so I took off my oversized hoodie, which left me in a strapless bra. The rose with the butterfly on it was on full display and she gasped.

"Cool!" She said.

"I got the tattoo when I was sixteen, a couple months before I turned seventeen. It did hurt, but it was worth it. I usually cover it with makeup all the time so no one would see it."

"Don't you have to be like eighteen to get a tattoo? Or maybe twenty-one?" I nodded.

"Someone owed me a favor. So, since they were good at tattooing and art, I let them give me one."

"Can they give me one?" The blonde woman asked.

"We were both the same age at the time and they moved. But, Becca knows a great tattoo place- wait, are you sure you actually want one?" She shrugged.

"I was thinking of getting a music note tattoo behind my ear."

"Of course. I wouldn't expect anything different." I laughed and was about to put my hoodie back on, but it was thrown to the floor. "Hey, it's cold."

"But I still want to see the tattoo." I was about to open my mouth to speak before she interjected. "You didn't show me for almost four years."

"Well I have another tattoo, too, as well as another piercing." I said.

"Show me." She said, excited.

"Okay." I said as I turned to face her. "So, I have a semicolon on my wrist." I said turning over my left wrist, "and also there's my lip piercing."

"Yes, it hurt like a bitch." I said, before she asked. "So, what tattoo should I get next?"

"Maybe something that you love." I though for a moment before coming to an conclusion.

"My dogs or music notes, it is." I said, smiling. Her mouth gaped open and she looked offended. "Ahem." She faked coughed. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"I'm waiting to get the tattoo that reminds me of you." I answered. "Or I possibly already have it. Who knows?"

"So, how did you enjoy your time in Quebec? You missed me, didn't you? I know. I would miss me, too." I joked, which earned a pillow to the face as Sabrina scoffed.

"Well now, I don't."

"Obviously. Because I'm here." I made the flower pose and did heart signs with my fingers.

"You miss being on your, don't you? Specifically, being in Japan."

"Yes, but being with you, Sabrina, is where I will always rather be."

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