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It was hard.  7 brother and 1 parent. Well technically parents. Mom was always working her ass off and dad was always drunk and couldn't take care of us. My family was struggling to make ends meet. My share in it was working 2 part time jobs and making sure I graduated high school. One of my jobs was at the bar. This one my brothers don't know about. The other one was a waitress. That one my whole family knew about. The only reason I was keeping my bartender job a secret was that the man who lived in my family's house wouldn't keep asking me for money. He takes all of my money and some of mom's. My secret job was helping us by paying the rent. So now I'll introduce my brothers. The order goes Mark, Jaebum, Jackson, Jinyoung, Youngjae, Kunpimook aka Bambam, Yugyeom, and then me, Y/N. I'm 17 years old and in the 12th grade. I skipped a couple grades in elementary school. My older brothers are mildly protective, bot sometimes overprotective. It depends on who is hitting on me. 

Once Jaewook was hitting on me at school. Yugyeom watched for a while, tolerating it while his anger built up. Then Jaewook started going too far, he was touching me in places that made me uncomfortable, I hadn't told any of them this. Yugyeom had beat the shit out of him. Yugyeom had gotten super protective. So I was worried about them finding out about my job at the bar. I only told Bambam who I couldn't keep anything from and Mina and Aliea, my 2 best friends.

I am allowed to work at the bar because I lied of course. I'm not old enough to work as a bartender. We needed the money and fast. So anything I could do to help was amazing. The bar was a nice high paying job so why not. I feel like I don't need an education, but my mom and brothers insist so I keep going. Senior year has just started and keeping the job and grades was extremely hard. 

It was finally Friday. I would get a nice break from school, but not the bar or Mingles, the restaurant I work at. I was standing inside wearing a short dress looking at the door waiting for the really cute and sexy guy to come in. I felt the door open the wind hitting my bare legs sending shivers down my spine like always. I looked towards the door. I was expecting the cute guy to come in, but what I saw instead was worse than anything in the world. 

One of them started talking while making eye contact with me. I ran to Mina and told her I was going in the back. She immediately looked at the door and nodded. She knew why I had to hide from them. I left the curtains open so i could see what was going on. One of them went up to her and started talking. I had no idea what he was saying so I couldn't tell her to do anything. 

"Y/N you need to leave NOW!" she yelled at me. I nodded and started on my way out.

"Y/N" a voice called. I thought I was just hallucinating so i didn't pay much attention to it, but when I heard it again I turned around. 

"So it was you..." a faint voice said. I couldn't hear anything so I decided to go closer which was probably one of the worst mistakes of my life. 


Hey guys!!!!! I'm so glad I finally got this book out. I've been saying that I'll get it out for such a long time. Here it is hope you like it. The name Aliea is from my life, so I'm sorry if you don't have a friend who's name is Aliea. Honestly I was going to quit Wattpad forever and only read on here, but she picked me up and told me that I should keep writing. I'm sorry if I don't update much. I've been really busy with school and homework and all of the other after school activities I have. At this time and point in life I might just put this book on hold. Thank you for reading. I love you!!!!!!!  ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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