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I was working at the bar again. Someone came up to me.

"Hey baby, I'll take a Vodka." They cute guy who I had seen with my brothers said. This was not good. Him calling me baby was making me so mad. No one can call me that and I mean no one!

"Who the fuck are you to call me baby?!" I yelled. I was not gonna do this shit.

"Babe, calm down. It's just me calling you that. After all I am your boyfriend and I have the rights to do that." he said while walking towards me.


"Y/N!" Someone was yelling my name.

I shot up from my position on the bed. thank god that was just a dream. I was drenched in sweat, but I wasn't at the club. Aliea was looking at me funny.

"Oh hi!" I said trying to keep a straight face, but it obviously wasn't working because she sensed something was wrong.

"What were you dreaming about? You were twisting and turning all night!" She exclaimed. The only reason she's asking is probably cuz I disturbed her sleep.

"I don't remember." I said trying to lie to her. It was Aliea though, I couldn't ever lie to that girl. It was my first time attempting anyways.

"You know you're horrible at lying right?" She said she had seen right through me. "I get it if you don't want to tell me, but Y/N please don't lie to me. Plus I wouldn't have listened anyways." I laughed at the second half of her second statement. Wow I'm so confusing.

"Why'd you ask then? I should've seen that one coming though." I replied chuckling .

"Well I wanted to know why you ruined my sleep this morning. I honestly could've slept for another hour or so, but you were tossing and turning so much that I fell off the bed!" We looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha I'm not sorry!" I said attempting to stop laughing super hard. "Well anyways I should probably go check in at home. I bet the boys are worried. " I said not wanting to leave.

"Ok! Don't come back!" She yelled at me. I had seen this one coming from the start.

"But I will and I know you like it whenever I come over." I replied laughing.

I hopped into my car and drove home. I kept thinking of Minjun. I can't believe that I met him again. The man who had managed to hurt me enough to kill me. It was because of him that I had to go to that hospital. It hurt seeing him again because he continued to hold a piece of my heart. I had pushed away my feelings for him. They had hit me in the face when I saw him though. Without his confidence in me, and my brothers of course, I couldn't have truly loved myself. I had done everything I did for him. I smiled everyday for him and only him. He was back and it hurt seeing where he was headed when I ran into him at the mall. Who could he be buying a ring for?

∞Minjun POV∞

Y/N's back and I haven't move on at all. Seeing her at the mall wasn't fun. My chest had began to ache when she claimed that she didn't want to talk at all, then again I did deserve it. I had hurt her. I had tortured her. I was the reason why she had ended up in that hospital. Now look at where I was. Buying a ring for a girl that I didn't love, a girl that was a hoe, a girl that was only getting married to me for our company's financial status. I cherished the memories Y/N and I had. I had pushed them away, but now that I had seen her I couldn't even try to hide them. I couldn't act like I loved the company girl. I would never ever call her my fiancé. I wasn't going to do that. All of the memories Y/N and I had. All the fun times with her haven't gone yet and it's been years. heck I still remember her favorite food. Have I told father about this? Have I told Soojin, my asshole of a fiancé? No. And I don't plan on doing so. I love Y/N.

"Minjun! Sweetie Soo- What's wrong honey?" mom asked as soon as she came in.

"Ma I met Y/N today." I replied answering her question and her eyes changed from demanding to sympathetic.

"I was hoping that you would never run into her again. But anyways....I'm sorry, but you have to get married to her. She's waiting for you downstairs. And anyways you know that your father wouldn't allow you to be with her." she said.

"Ok so I get it she isn't financially stable and that she won't benefit our company. But why does everything have to be about the company?! Money can't buy you love!" I replied angry now.

"If only your father understood that." Mom said sadly.

"Yes I know that. But that doesn't mean that I have to follow his stupid rules." I replied and went down to meet Soojin.

"Hi oppa," she said as she saw me, "Can you believe that we're gonna get married next month?" She asked.

I wasn't thrilled about that. "Hahaha I don't care. You know why? Because I don't love you!" I screamed at her. We were currently in my car driving out for a 'date' at the park. I was just going hoping to see Y/N like I did before.

"B-but O-oppa I love you." She said trying to be cute and fake cry.

"That sounds like a personal problem. I'm not going to say this nicely because either way you're gonna be the fake ass bitch that you are and fake cry. I don't love you. I don't like you. There are many other women in the world and I already have mine picked out for me. So stop calling me Oppa and don't talk to me about getting married." I said.

"Minjun, I said I love you." she replied completely ignoring what I had said about not loving her.

"Well sorry, Soojin I don't love you. You're stuck in a one-sided love. For me it all comes down to Y/N." I replied. Fuck I said her name.

"So it's all about Y/N. The slut who goes to where I got to school. That bitch, that whore, that slut, that mother fucking asshole!" Soojin was getting pissed now and I didn't care. But she had mentioned something about Y/N going to the same school. I had to transfer fir Soojin and I to be together, but I guess I had found Y/N again and I would be able to go to the same school as her. She was screaming as we were now sitting in the parking lot of the park where may couples go to hike and swim in the lake and do other couple stuff.

"Who are you calling a slut, a whore, a bitch, and a mother fucking asshole? Yourself?" A voice said from behind me. I turned and saw Y/N's friend.

"Ugh its her ugly friend." Soojin said. That girl better shut her mouth before I beat her up.

"Honey, I'm not a mirror." I was gonna say something, but watching these 2 throw down using words was fun. Soojin rolled her eyes. "Yeah hun keep rolling your little petty eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there. Oh wait, no you won't since you think that I'm a mirror. If you need one its right there. For your information I'm a human. A living thing, not an object." Damn this girl was a savage.

"Aliea?" I heard Y/N "What's going on?"

"This woman right here thinks that I'm a mirror and that you're a slut." She replied to Y/N.

"Hun she's not a mirror. And if I can recall you were the one going around trying to seduce all the boys. I mean come on you're the biggest fuckgirl in school. Why not just leave the boys alone?" Y/N said. The two looked at each other an burst into laughter.

"I will teach those 2 lesson! And you! You didn't even defend me!" Soojin yelled at me.

"Ya know Soojin they weren't lying." I said defending Y/N.

"ARGH!" She yelled and got out slamming the door behind her.

- 1439 -
Hey guys! I'm back. I'm also currently driving all the way to Atlanta, Georgia. Please make sure to vote. And last but not the least BTS IS GOING TO THE GRAMMY'S IM SO PROUD OF MY BABIES. OMG I CANT EVEN BREATHE AT THE MOMENT. IM TRYING NOT TO DIE RIGHT NOW!!

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