The Wandmaker's Granddaughter Runs for Her Life

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Come to me.

Amelia's eyes flew open as the voice began entering her dream.  She sat up and looked around.  The rest of the Gryffindor girls were still fast asleep.  Marta's snores could be heard from across the room.  Athena turned in her sleep.  But other than that everything was still.  Even outside no wind blew and no rain fell.

Amelia rubbed her eyes and picked up her pocket watch.  It was just passed one in the morning.  As she set her watch down she felt an uneasiness wash over her.  Like something was watching her.  Like something had found her.  

She stood up and looked for what was causing this feeling.  When a soft whisper of a voice tickled past her.  


Amelia jumped.  The voice was so warm and inviting if she had been sleeping she would have been coaxed to follow it.  But Amelia was very much not asleep.  

Panic set in as she realized the voice had escaped her dreams.  She was awake and yet the voice persisted.

Come.  Come to me.

That was all Amelia needed.

She ran.

From hallway to hallway, classroom to classroom Amelia ran trying to escape the voice calling to her.  Not caring if she was caught out of bed or eaten alive by a giant spider she ran to escape the voice.  But she was trapped.

Everywhere she tried to hide the voice kept calling for her.  The longer she tried to hide the more convincing and intense the voice got.

She ran into the great hall and tried the doors behind the stage but they were locked.  It wouldn't be long before it caught up to her and found her again.  She looked around and could feel its presence coming closer.  

Amelia ran from the great hall as fast as she could and tried to find the furthest place from the forest.  If that's where the voice wanted her to go she was going to fight it as best she could.  She blindly turned passages and climbed stairs.  In her haste Amelia may have even run through a ghost or two.  It didn't matter to her, she couldn't get far enough away

Another door was thrown out of the way as Amelia found herself at the top of the astronomy tower.  During class Amelia had paid little attention to the room.  Now she stood looking with new intentions.

She took in the room examining every nook and crevise as quickly as possible.  Eventually her eyes finally fell upon a large chest.  She ran to it while trying to avoid looking out the windows at the forest.  

Amelia threw open the lid to the chest and peered in.  A few cobwebs lined the corners but after a quick brush through Amelia climbed inside and shut the lid.  

There she lay shaking throughout the night.  Waiting for the voice to find her.  Hours passed by and Amelia stayed on edge until the first few rays of light broke through the cracks in the chest.  She relaxed slightly at the hope the morning brought.

For now she was safe.

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