The Wandmaker's Granddaughter's Weakness

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James and Lucy did not need to search all the way to the Astronomy tower this time.  After searching a few obvious places, the Great Hall, the practice room, they found Amelia in the library.  She sat curled with a book staring outside more than at the book in her hands.

"Amelia," Lucy said walking up and sitting across from her.  Amelia closed her book and looked down at her hands suddenly much more concerned with a freckle she had never noticed before.

"What happened?" Lucy asked.  Amelia glanced at James before turning back to her hands.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter," Amelia said her eyes glistening brighter than usual as the black and white contracted against each other. 

"Just tell us, it's getting late and we need to get back," James said leaning against a book shelf with his arms crossed.  Amelia buried her head in her arms.

"It's embarrassing," her voice muffled through her arms and tears.

"Just tell us," Lucy said reaching out and patting her on the shoulder.

"You understood her," James mumbled to Lucy who gave him a nasty glare in reply.  Amelia gave a big sigh and huffed into a sitting position so she could look at Lucy.

"I've been kicked out of flying class," Amelia whimpered.

"What?" Lucy and James both said at the same time.

"Why?" James asked actually interested now.

"Haven't you noticed I've never actually flown the broom before?  No matter how many I try they just won't come to me.  They just sit there, they'd rather me sweep with them than actually ride them," Amelia said, the words flooding from her mouth. 

"But flying isn't really that important," James said trying to be consoling.

"Said the best flyer in our year," Amelia bit back at him.

"Flying, what good is that?  Sure you can play quidditch but what other good is it, you're good at the actual important things," James argued.

"That's not all,  I barely passed Charms and Herbology, and I've given up completely in Astronomy," Amelia covered her face again.  "What if I'm only good at magic if I'm fighting people?"

"That's stupid," Lucy said.  Amelia lifted her head just enough to look at Lucy.  "Grades are just numbers.  You're one of the best witches in our year and if anyone says differently I'll give them the biggest warts in the entire world."

Amelia snickered at the idea of anyone who would dare cross her best friends.

"And I'll kick them in the head on my broom," James said making Amelia's smile even bigger. 

Amelia slept soundly that night.  No nightmares could destroy the happiness she felt knowing she had two of the best friends in the entire world.  If only she knew then that it would be one of the last good nights of sleep she would get for a long time.

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