The Wandmaker's Granddaughter Hides from Danger

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Amelia wasn't sure how far she had come since leaving the rock but when the forest around her began to grey she knew the sun would soon rise. Not that it would be much help, the canopy of leaves above her blocked every millimeter of sky from view. The only difference would be greyness instead of black.  The never ending thick of trees stretched out in every direction surrounding Amelia.

The rough bark of a tree cut into her raw hands as she leaned against it.  From above the wooshing of wings startled Amelia off her feet.  She looked up to see a thestral caught in the thick of a tree.  The thestral's long, bony wings struggled through the thick of branches.  It cried out a high streak like death's coming.  Amelia covered her ears despite the rocks and leaves wedged into the palms of her hands.  The creature struggled a few moments longer before breaking free and flying on its way.

If only Amelia could fly above the trees.  Then she would be back in the safe confines of the castle as quick as a mermaid could speed away.

Amelia looked down at her hands and cleared the leaves and dirt from them.  A stone stuck in her hand drew her attention with it's smooth edges.  The stone was obviously once cut and shaped for some purpose, whether it be jewelry or what have you could never be known for sure.  The deep onyx color glinted in what light there was in the gloomy stillness of the forest.  Amelia pocketed the stone before trying to stand with her one good leg. 

Amelia stumbled about for hours making almost no progress along the way.  She eventually found a large pond where there was some sky visible.  Collapsing to the ground after hours of tedious hobbling, Amelia finally rested against a tree.  Soon, she had nodded of into a restless sleep.

The sky was almost dark when Amelia woke.  Light came through the clearing as the moon rose into the sky.  In her half conscious state the rustling of leaves across the pond startled Amelia awake.  With her hears perked she sat at attention afraid she see a werewolf or worse.

A burst of bright white light aimed straight at Amelia blinded the night.

"Protego," Amelia shouted before scrambling to find cover from the sudden attack.  Unable to stand quickly, Amelia crawled on her stomach behind the tree line as the voice from her dreams called to her.


She froze in her living nightmare.  Fear pumped her heart into a thunderous roar throughout her entire body. 

"Come to me Amelia."

Amelia looked around.  Alone.  Unable to walk.  Barely able to see.  Knowing maybe twenty basic spells.

What can I do?  She thought desperately.

The words of the sorting hat rang through her head.

You are braver than you know.

James is brave.  Lucy is brave.

I'm not brave, I'm just . . .

"I can teach you to be great."

His voice rang so close that Amelia jumped out of her skin.  As if he was standing just feet from her.  Hands shaking, she raised her wand towards the voice. 


A burst of flames erupted in front of her.  The silhouette of a person could just be made out disappearing in the distance as the flames engulfed the surrounding trees.

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