Chapter 1: Training Day

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I look in the mirror and notice so many blackheads developing on my nose. What's wrong with me? Am I using enough astringent?

I meet up with aunt Shanice and my cousins in the dining room and Soldier is facetiming us.

I overhear him saying, "Meh, I don't trust any chicken place that's closed on Sunday. It's super overrated so badly anyway. Now I know you guys will be gone for awhile and sorry McCree but you have to admit you mooning the cop was so funny! Oh, yeah, don't bring Overwatch's junior league with you this time, for it is way too dangerous!"

I go into the living room and Mercy's using Ashley's stunt stand while Ashley looks at her phone surprised. "I can't believe it I never had to correct you once!"

Mercy steps off the stand smiling, "You know I used to be a cheer flyer myself."

"I remember the video you showed me where your team won a world tournament!"

Oh, right, Overwatch training starts soon. Me and Ashley go into the car.

I glumly stare at out the window, the jacarandas in full bloom. Me Ashley Shauna and Jacob are on Houseparty until we reach training.

The room looks so much like a cheer gym, with mats, equipment, and springy floors. Mirrors line the walls. Gosh I feel so bad for Carlos he gets reminded of how fat he is. I hope I never get that big.

We walk down the hall and Ashley whispers to me, "Hey look at Rein and Soldier arguing."

We stand in the doorway and Soldier tells Reinhart, "Ana is soooo in love with me I can just tell .Like have you ever noticed how she acts with me and not you? You're just jealous because she's always loved me more than you."

Rein ask why and Soldier says, "Because I'm hotter than you and she's always liked me more."

Rein then says, "Oh yeah I keep everyone safe and I'm funny!"

"Yeah well I'm the boss and you're just a dumb goofy airhead with a shield!"

Rein's voice gets louder as he glares at Soldier putting his hands on his hips. "Excuse me? Remember the time I saved everyone from all those rockets? And Ana said I look absolutely beautiful in my famous poster! Get it, AB-solutely because my abs are so hot?"

Soldier crosses his arms, smiling super confidently, "Remember when I killed 3 Bastions? Our squad loved me so much that day."

Rein's eyes narrows and his mouth thins, putting his face closer to Soldier's, "Oh yeah I killed 5 Bastions and took everyone out for pizza!"

Rein closes his eyes looking up. "I have the iPhone 99 you know."

Soldier lets out a condescending ha and says to Rein, "How are you so far behind? I have the iPhone 100"

Reinhart shoots meanness at him with his eyes turning away from Soldier, "Oh yeah you like James Charles don't you?"

Soldier blushes while smiling and says, "You're so right, I do."

They look at us blushing. Soldier nervously says scratching the back of his head, "You didn't see anything! We cleaned the mats so get ready for training! We were just talking about training methods, yeah that's it."

Don't worry Soldier I didn't hear anything, even though I totally did!

Mat cleaner has a weird smell compared to other cleaners, I really don't know why.

I fistbump Abby Carlos Trang and Jacob and we get ready to train.

Soldier blows his whistle and says, "Okay you guys listen up! We're starting with dodging practice!"

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