Chapter 9: Quest for the Cerulean Jelly

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We're walking through Bandle City early in the morning, the sky is clear, and other people walking talk about the attack yesterday. A random yordle walks up to Carlos and tells him, "You don't know how grateful we are to have you guys."

"I didn't know I could do it." Carlos says obviously sounding like he knew he could.

Tristana says, "Well, we're leaving the city. Adventure awaits!" As she points I hear trumpets and violins and look back at Carlos playing orchestra music sounding like it's from a Disney fantasy movie's soundtrack.

Carlos shrugs smiling. "What? You know it's like we're in one of those movies."

Jacob says, "And I'd win so many awards for being so great and then I'd have more Instagram followers than anyone!"

McCree smiles then says, "You know this isn't a movie, right?"

I sigh, feeling a deep dark sadness in my very soul. "Yeah dad died so we have to be careful."

McCree scratching the back of his neck while looking over to Mercy. "Look, whatever I did I'm sorry. Was it what I said in the cave? Swearing back at those Talon guys? They called us effing C-words!"

Mercy rolls her eyes/ "They did that so we'd get so mad and we still beat them you know. And you swore back at them which could have got us in trouble. But you still don't get it."

McCree strokes his chip then his eyes brighten and mouth widens in that aha I got an idea way. "It's because I didn't moon the cop long enough."

Mercy facepalms, her lip quivers in frustration. "Yeah, I'm mad because you didn't go farther after falling for Soldier's grossly immature prank."

Are they mad at each other because they feel guilty over dad dying? I do too but they just wouldn't bring me.

A dry summer wind sweeps through the grass and trees, with a few dying leaves hanging on.

Tristana leads us far off road over a few grassy hills that somehow still has a bit of spring grass remaining despite these dry summer winds. We notice a whole bunch of 8 foot tall weird bug creatures! They make clicking and buzzing sounds.

From the other direction there's a very handsome man on a white horse. His horse wears a red horse apron and shiny silver helmet.

A knight rides in from the other direction. My eyes trace over the dashing knight's long golden tresses gleaming in the sunlight and his sun warmed face. His sparkly sapphire blue eyes are captivating. His high cheekbones and strong jaw are simply perfect, like a model or pop star. The soft curve of his full lips, gold trimmed red cape, shiny silver plate armor that outlines his abs, and perfect silky skin.

He slowly lowers to his knee where he reaches for Tristana's hand and she rest it gently in his palm kisses Tristana's hand.

Mercy's like, "How is she not even blushing!"

Maddie tells her, "She says he's not her type, really emphasizing he." She admires him from afar.

Jerome tells Tristana, "Out here adventuring too I see. How've you been? Anything new with you and Poppy?"

Tristana sighs sounding disappointed. "No, but we will find her mark my words! I just know she's safe."

Jerome sits, looks down with his arms resting on his knees. "Sorry I couldn't find her either. Say I can help you guys clear out those nasty bugs. They're superweapons and they sacrifice their own people to make them! Can you believe that?"

Maddie scoots closer to him and looks up blinking, "I love how your apron contrasts with your eyes. It's so you. Your armor is so gorgeous and well crafted too."

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