Chapter 11: The Prismatic Flower part 1

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Even though it's really early I'm still not that tired. These halls look kinda spooky if the light doesn't hit them the right way.

I sit in the corner of the living room, resting my head on my knees. Why me? My pain and sadness is deep like the ocean, dark like a raven's shadow in the moonlight.

Sigh, where did I leave that shirt again? It's weird wearing black in this summer light but I'm goth so oh well. Now where could my armor be?

I yell to Jacob, "Jacob have you seen my armor? You know it's stretchy and we wear it under our clothes and is hard as steel? I'd like to find my Never Trust the Living shirt too."

He tells me, "You mean the stretchy white one that's hard as steel we wear under our clothes?" He giggles, "Haven't seen it."

I look under his bed, "Are you sure because I've worn it yesterday and I remember hanging it up in the closet."

He runs to my door after I check under my sheets and I look up and see my Never Trust the Living shirt blooming up and wouldn't you know it? My armor too!

I cross my arms, flattening my smile, flat like a heart that stopped beating.

He turns and says, "Okay, I'm sorry but my armor from yesterday broke and still needs time to repair. Besides, your shirt just looks so great on me!"

I tilt my head putting my hands on my hips to tell him I'm serious. He's supposed to be my bestie.

His clasps his hands, "Please Angel! I have no armor! To be honest it's tight on me but it's good. I didn't pack enough clothes!"

"But you did pack more?"

"Yeah but nothing that goes with these pants."

I tell him, "But you don't even like that style!"

"It goes with my shorts okay!? Nothing will happen to it I promise."

I hear my sister's special knock. "We're going downstairs if you wanna join us!"

We all meet in the living room sitting in a circle on the floor.

Carlos rips open a bag of chips and starts stuffing his face. Wow how does he even do it?

Carlos sounds miserable, "I ate an entire bag of chips! It feels like a ton of bricks dropped into my tummy. Hmm I should not have done that." He rolls back and forth on the floor.

Abby says, "Aww he ate too much! Isn't it adorable?"

We all laugh he's just too funny.

Shauna tells us, "You guys should have seen Winston yesterday! If only I could be as smart as him."

Trang says, looking out a big window at the waning emerald green moon, "You already seem pretty smart."

Zoe and Maddie join us. Zoe's eye's droop and she cries so much. Poor Zoe. I wish we could stay and support her but we can't just let Reaper stay invincible to us.

Maddie tells us, "She really wants to eat again and to literally breath without air touching her sores. The purple and red's going down but it's still pretty bad. I think the ginger ale's helping her a lot."

Lulu walks into the room rubbing her eyes. We look out the big window at the stars sitting on the floor.

Tristana greets Lulu, "Care to join us."

Judith hands Lulu a muffin, "I got this for you."

Lulu bits into it and she likes it. Ooooo looks like Pix is jealous. He's crossing his arms.

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