Chapter 4: To Yordlerealm!

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We're in London where it's pouring so badly but oh does it have a nice fresh and earthy smell, which mixes with the sweet yet minty and musky smells, and we're careful not to slip, I would so hate for that to happen to any of us. The rain washes the remaining jacaranda blossoms down the drain. Cars slide while the rain creates a rhythm on people's cars. There are tall red busses and people drive on the opposite sides compared to our country. Not to mention all this rain in the summer.

Mercy asks, "Everyone got their TAP cards ready? We'll need them in London's metro."

Because they hate omnics so much here, I know right isn't that so unfair? Anyway McCree's carrying Judith in his suitcase. We wait for a red light before walking past a puddle, so we just laugh at someone getting ticketed for jaywalking, like he wasn't gonna get caught.

The king's sister Princess Charlotte would be pretty mad if she found out we were friends with an omnic. Her and George give us money so we can save the world.

We go on the London metro, and arrive at Winston's lab, and let me tell you we're really soaked even with umbrellas. Thanks to it being 82 outside or as they say here in England 27.7 Winston didn't put on the AC, which is somehow always too high wherever you go.

Oh brother it looks like McCree and Mercy are arguing again.

McCree says, "I sent you a snap I swear."

Mercy looks away, "Then why didn't I get one? How could you let our snapstreak die! It's that other girl isn't it?"

McCree backs away, a cold sweat dripping from his hat, "No baby girl, I swear why would you think that."

Mercy gasp then says, "Oh my gosh it is! I can't believe you!" She pounds on his chest and runs away. Poor Mercy I hope she'll feel better and especially hope McCree isn't cheating on her.

Winston says, "You guys must be hungry! I have food!"

Me and Ashley smile big, squinting happily, "Yay peanut butter and banana sandwiches!"

Mercy tells us, "That's the best eye smile ever."

I just gotta say that I'm so hungry I'm past the light peaceful feeling and really need to eat something.

I hear a loud noise that's like a fan mixed with lots of buzzing and lots of really cool pink and purple lights! They spin like a fan and Winston enthusiastically says, "Is everyone ready?"

We say yeah and hold hands and jump through the portal.

The portal spits us out and we all roll then jump up gosh am I dizzy from that jump.

Shauna looks around and says, "I got perfect on my earth science finals so I'm perfect for leading us out."

Jacob then tells her, "Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

Jacob then tells her, "Oh yeah well I just happen to be psychic!"

Shauna rolls her eyes, "Gee, what am I thinking about then?"

" that just came out, you know the one fighting for a good cause."

Shauna says, "There are lots of books like that and the right answer was how cool Ashley is."

Jacob shrugs then leans against a cave spike thingy, "Oh yeah! She is pretty cool."

Ashley looks at them then at her phone smiling, "Oh please you know I don't deserve such praise."

Mercy shivers a little. "I'm cold."

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